Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] still [vb base] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said last night : ‘ I think I 've proved that I still have a lot to offer at senior level .
2 More than half a dozen British Press awards as ‘ Sports Writer of the Year ’ , and four Sports Council tributes embracing both ‘ Best Sports Feature Writer ’ and ‘ Best Overall Sports Writer ’ have gone to McIlvanney , yet he glumly agrees with my own feeling that we still have a distance to go before achieving respectability .
3 Previously , the Minister has said that we still have a surplus of dairy products , which is true , but there is not a steady weekly or monthly supply of milk .
4 That such aircraft are still earning their keep and plying the airwaves of the world indicates that they still have a role to play , even in this high tech age of ‘ glass ’ cockpits , autoland , sub-Mach cruise and the like .
5 And I still like a lot of the , the classics an and the good , the good English .
6 And you still have a chip on your shoulder .
7 If you still want a Dobermann and can handle any adverse public reactions , you 'll need to know the specific requirements of the breed .
8 If you still have a week before you leave , Eurocheques might be best for the Continent .
9 using last year 's bills as a guide if you still have a record of them ( try looking at old cheque book stubs ) , or trusting to memory , estimate how much you think you will have to pay in the coming year .
10 That you can not be alcoholic if you still have a family , a house , a car , a job and money in the bank .
11 Nobody firing back , and we still get a percentage of the profits .
12 one-way system on the promise of an adequate cycle path alternative , and we still have a barrier which is not negotiable .
13 ‘ Debbie was born there and we still have a place there , but not the same one that she grew up in .
14 And they still induce a tingle within me whenever I hear them mentioned .
15 Of its predecessor , which became the third highest money-making film , actress Mariel Hemingway said : ‘ My lot have seen the movie 20 times at least and they still get a laugh out of it .
16 Do you know if they still have a football club ?
17 Defensively too Donegal were often a shambles leaving Donal Reid and Martin Shovlin to ponder if they still have a future at this level .
18 I may be getting on a bit but I still know a thing or two . ’
19 But I still have a map drawn by one of his colleagues , marking all the main sea-trout and salmon lies on Stack ; worth its weight in gold , quite irreplaceable .
20 But I still have a cry , sometimes , when I realize that my mother is dead — and that 's years after .
21 Sometimes these sophisticated nine-year-olds really do seem to have the bug but I still feel a bit uncomfortable encouraging them because they are so young .
22 ‘ I 'd offer to help , ’ she said apologetically , ‘ but I still feel a bit wobbly . ’
23 Then you go over the seat and hang off the inside , but you still keep a lot of weight on that outside peg and you put on some more if the tyre starts really sliding . ’
24 But you still have a journey to make and it will be a terrible journey .
25 " But you still have a coach here , " Dr. Favor said .
26 Make no mistake , the odds are stacked against you , but you still have a chance if you play your cards right .
27 It 's not very nice when you 're driving the vehicle and er I know you 're all experienced drivers and then you get somebody sitting there alongside you starting to look at you do , and I I you could 've been driving all your life but you still feel a bit edgy and a bit tense .
28 We turned the tables in the FA Cup , but we still have a score to settle .
29 But they still have a conscience and they challenge that they .
30 But they still have a lot to learn in terms of communications , hotels , airports , the movement of people and the sensitivity to visiting teams ’ , he said .
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