Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] must [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Information that enters the company at one point ( for example the complaints department ) must be transmitted to all personnel whose decisions might be affected by it ( for example , the design department ) , and there must also be systems for the collection of information from outside the organisation that might affect future profits .
2 Many people wish to be left alone to get on with their own lives and they must be allowed to do so , and there must also be opportunities for different degrees and different kinds of involvement .
3 But there must also be ships , and while France could not provide a sufficient number of them for herself , she was obliged ( as the English were on some occasions ) to seek them elsewhere .
4 But there must still be doubts about his job security .
5 He may sometimes be consultant and analyst ; sometimes investigator and policeman ; but he must also be negotiator and judge ; inspector , educator , and public relations representative .
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