Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] may be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These relations may be of the paradigmatic variety ( e.g. oppositeness , synonymy , etc. ) or they may be of the so-called paronymic sort ( that is to say , involving identity of root , but difference of syntactic category , as , for instance , with act : actor , race : racy .
2 It may be a light aircraft twenty miles away , in which case they will go in their own cars , or it may be on the other side of the world , in which case they will be on the next airline flight in that direction and might not be home again for several weeks .
3 FOR the first half of the year you should have plenty of attack , although you may be on the receiving end of a show of force .
4 She 's worried that she may be in the early stages of mercury poisoning .
5 And here I must agree that I am beginning to fear that we may be on the edge of an age of the worst kind of mass production .
6 The Unionist fear is that we may be on the last verse of another .
7 And any influence of Cézanne that there may be in the Demoiselles as it now appears is of the most general kind .
8 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
9 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
10 It acts to foster rather than hinder the material and non-material interests of most groups involved in the planning process , although it may be to the short term tactical advantage of some not to recognise the fact .
11 In other words , the hegemony of the social representation of science can not possibly be total , and there is even evidence that it may be on the wane .
12 Word is out that he may be in the same class as Chris Armstrong , sold to Palace for £1m after just a handful of games .
13 So a modern sexual dimorphism is explicable in terms of erm inter-male er conflict and it may be in the case of human beings er most of them are , for example the larger body weight of males that we saw when we looked at sexual dimorphism in human beings is probably explicable erm in terms of inter-male conflict like it is in chimpanzees .
14 Whilst it may be in the interests of the court and a ‘ fair result ’ for as much as possible to be disclosed in the early stages so that the matters really in dispute can be identified and the strength of the evidence assessed , it will often be in the interests of the parties to conceal what they know .
15 As beautiful and as wholesome as you may be on the outside , I shall reveal you for the black-hearted trickster that you are .
16 Impressed as we may be by the caddis house , we are nevertheless , paradoxically , less impressed than we would be by equivalent achievements in animals closer to ourselves .
17 Important [ but unrecognized ] though they may be to the man in the street , functional methacrylates are no more than a small side-branch in ICI 's acrylic chain .
18 Important as they may be to the birds and trout , they can be very annoying to humans and , although they may not bite , the sheer numbers of midges and blackflies have been known to send birdwatchers — and particularly photographers — into paroxysms of rage and frustration .
19 Thus it can be seen that the records of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic flints , few and sparse as they may be to the local researcher , may , together with palaeo-environmental information and some idea of such early hunting , fishing and gathering life-styles , lead to a real appreciation of how the landscape was used by people in these early periods in the area under study .
20 True , these sources overlap , different as they may be in the nature of their risk , difficulty , and complexity , and the potential for innovation may well lie in more than one area at a time .
21 Tempting as it may be for the harassed mother to jump at the chance of sending her three year old to playschool every morning , imagine the devastating effect this can have when it coincides with the arrival in the home of a brand new baby .
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