Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] had made [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 This was an ordeal which , like all others , would eventually end and although she had made up her mind to suffer it , nothing obliged her to accord it so much as one shred of thought ; or memory .
2 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
3 Not that she had made up her mind about taking Bridget into her confidence — she would leave that decision until later .
4 Tumbleweed inquired , eager to get things moving now that he had made up his mind .
5 Mrs Bridges maintained : ‘ Mr Newton admitted on Friday that he had made up his end of the story .
6 He had simply hesitated to take the plunge and stake on a worthwhile weekend with her , and it was pure chance that he had made up his mind just after he had learned her name .
7 Napoleon III was mild and gentle in his manner and in his dealings with people , but once he had made up his mind , he was inflexible and he was resolved to marry Eugénie .
8 If he had made up his mind to see her again , then he would have moved heaven and earth to accomplish it .
9 But I had made up my mind that I must not get emotional , so I hid all my feelings .
10 But she had made up her mind never to allow herself to get close to him , in case there was a repetition of that first rather disturbing kiss .
11 And it did quite , but bad Lydia did n't know because she had made up her mind already and was blind to the simpler aspects of reality .
12 Though I had made up my mind .
13 There was to be no quibbling , just , ‘ How much ? ’ for she had made up her mind that , no matter what it cost , she was going to have this outfit .
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