Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] had [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Its real achievement lay in slowly but surely creating and manipulating opinion to create a border mentality where one had not existed in such crude form before .
2 The large statue of Chairman Mao which had dominated the quadrant outside the library , where he had once worked in his youth , suddenly ‘ disappeared ’ .
3 Although I had always lived in a freezing cold damp house and spent a lot of my own childhood in hospital and even remember my own mum referring to our flats as pneumonia houses , in my ignorance I had never made the connection between our living conditions , ill health and the social and environmental climate .
4 Despite Schlesinger 's claims that ‘ there was n't anything in the movie that I had n't seen in some way somewhere ’ and ‘ one was always confronted by something worse on the streets than one was putting into the film ’ , they were attention-getting elements , unabsorbed into the texture of the film .
5 He , he did n't realize that I had more stacked in the other room ready to come out
6 Not that I had ever believed in the heart marching ahead alone .
7 She read it idiotically at least three times , until she 'd convinced herself there was no hidden psychological message in the bare statement of fact , and then realised that someone had just come in the front door of the flat and was moving around in the hall .
8 On the day of the Station sports I tried harder than I had ever tried in any of my events , and the results were exactly as predicted by old Doc Whittingham " not in the first three , could make fourth if he really tries hard enough " ( which could be the story of my life ) .
9 He lifted and transferred my soul from the depths up to the heights , so that I ardently longed for the pleasures of heaven more than I had ever delighted in physical embrace or worldly corruption …
10 She persevered for fifty pages before admitting that she had n't taken in a word .
11 Dad was very upset that she had n't confided in us .
12 Beth was oddly relieved that she had not confided in Cissie ; not that she did n't trust the girl , but because she had never spoken to anyone about her family , or her reason for leaving them all those years ago .
13 Mistress Southwell was a Roman Catholic and with several others sought to surround the events of the Queen Elizabeth 's last illness and death with ill-omens and to suggest that she had not died in a state of grace ’ .
14 McLeish , who had understood from Francesca 's report of her lunch that she and her seniors were indeed going to push for assistance , was amused to hear that she had not succeeded in disguising her intentions from Miss Morgan .
15 It occurred to him that she had always bathed in private — the door locked against him .
16 There was also , she vaguely noted , in one corner a piano , and the windows had shutters of a kind that she had never seen in England .
17 Yet there was something else there , too — something that she had never seen in him before — and it touched her deeply .
18 More diamonds than she had ever seen in her life .
19 Maria had been feeling more vulnerable than she had ever done in her life , but now she lost her temper .
20 His eyes bore more seriousness than she had ever read in them .
21 The catastrophic and arbitrary loss of love that you had not earned in the first place .
22 Or have you ever got a group of pupils talking , and having heard how inarticulate they are , how little they understand , wished that you had never embarked in this direction ?
23 The concentration of platelet activating factor in this study ( 1.2 pg/h ) is much lower than that we had previously found in patients suffering from oesophagitis ( 28 pg/h ) , erosive gastritis ( 25 pg/h ) , and duodenal ulcer ( 5 pg/h ) .
24 That week Hannah and I worked harder than we had ever worked in our lives before , but at last all was ready .
25 Although they had often stayed in the country , this was the first time they had lived in it , and that makes all the difference .
26 He had meant to point out to John le Grant that they had both engaged in extremely rough play at Trebizond , and if he chose to carry out another war contract , he was not doing it blindfold .
27 It turned out that they had instead invested in an airline which never took off , a college that had no students , and a luxury yacht .
28 And I instanced Bob Geldof as someone whose commitment to the problem of hunger had certainly got things done , and inspired millions of people to see ( even if only transiently ) that they could make a contribution to a problem that they had previously held in their minds , albeit not very consciously , as ‘ not mine ’ and ‘ hopeless ’ .
29 For it is the importance that the Formalists give to language in their theory of literature that enables them to avoid the difficulties and the fuzziness that they had so disliked in their critical and scholarly predecessors .
30 I remembered that they had never flown in a light aircraft before today ; I shuddered to think of what could happen if they panicked .
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