Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] are [v-ing] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This simply means that instead of bending and scuffling around for saucepans stacked up in a dark base unit , try hanging them from hooks near the sink ( where you are going to fill them with water ) or near the stove .
2 Have your hair trimmed every 5–6 weeks , even if it is long or you are trying to grow it .
3 Either we attack the enemy positions , or they are going to attack us in strength .
4 The fact that you have thought things through instead of just feeling totally inadequate and that you are trying to do something about it should help you feel more positive .
5 What is it that you are trying to tell me ?
6 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
7 If this occurs then be encouraged , it means that you are beginning to get your presentation right .
8 Take pains to present a smart , efficient appearance and to show that you are beginning to master your subject .
9 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
10 It has been decided the powers that be , are onto the something that you are going to do your first semester exam in June .
11 There are days when some of our residents are quite determined that you are going to enable them to do what they want to do , even though what they want to do is completely ridiculous , like going out in the rain without a coat on .
12 By all means try it , but do n't think that you are going to produce lots more of your favourite budded roses by this method .
13 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
14 That you are going to bring him up in a … in a laboratory ?
15 The trap to be avoided here is to turn the exercise into another source of demand by forcing yourself to go faster every day , swearing that you are going to beat your partner next time , or overdoing it with the weights .
16 So you are coming to sort me out ?
17 I imagined God saying something like this : ‘ So you are going to sort him out , are you ?
18 I would n't want my son to lose touch with the notions of right and wrong that we are trying to give him . ’
19 THERE are signs that we are beginning to acknowledge our need for community support , encouraged , ironically , by a welfare state that can no longer pretend to provide a substitute for friendship .
20 ‘ There is not a shadow of a doubt that we are going to win this election and that we are going to win it with the strongest possible representation in this region .
21 ‘ I have this wonderful warm glow that we are going to get it .
22 In his book , One Hundred Days in Europe , he wrote : ‘ Our recently naturalized fellow-citizens , of a different blood and different religion , must not suppose that we are going to forget our inborn love for the mother to whom we owe our being . ’
23 Chief executive Jim Greenwood said : ‘ The work can not be done in a close season , so we are looking to start it next February and have the new stand ready for August , 1994 .
24 If you look closely at the Fowlers ’ five ‘ prefers ’ , you will find that they are trying to guide you away from fancy writing .
25 ( There are signs that they are beginning to view it as legitimate , in theory , in their dealings with Christian lowlanders , although they still find it difficult to apply in practice . )
26 It was therefore natural for Keynes 's interpreters to infer that the supply curve of labour was horizontal at an arbitrarily given money wage rate for all levels of employment up to full employment : after all , an implication of the unwillingness of workers to accept a wage cut is that they are refusing to supply their labour at a lower money wage .
27 If the children have attended another school ask them what is was like , what they enjoyed most and , in all cases , reassure them that they are going to make lots of friends , learn a great deal of interesting things and enjoy themselves at your school .
28 Now , looking out across the fertile fields he has cultivated out of bush , he says , ‘ Doris and I are going to give whatever experience we have to whoever rules the country tomorrow . ’
29 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge .
30 Now I am going to ask you a simple question and you are going to give me a simple answer . ’
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