Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] can [adv] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't have a garage , park as close to your home as possible , preferably somewhere where you can easily observe the car .
2 Nearby is Galashiels , a centre for the 19th-century textile industry , where you can still visit the ‘ mill shops ’ .
3 Continue on to Noar Hill Hanger where you can still see the evidence of prehistoric field systems .
4 you can add all sorts of decorations , ‘ jewels ’ round the neck , sequins on the wings , sequins stuck closely on the head to simulate a cap of curls or you can even make the wings from gold or silver ‘ leaf ’ sprays .
5 She 's got thirty seven pounds ninety eight to spend , she gets that amount for every ten pounds , so you want to know how many ten pounds there are in thirty seven ninety eight , so you can write it out as a division sum or you can just move the decimal point .
6 Or you can simply sabotage the thing by coughing loudly and exploding all over the place and then of course they simply ca n't use it .
7 The LIFESPAN Manager should therefore study the rest of this section , so that he or she can either take the recommended avoiding action , or at least understand what is happening if any of the users become confused .
8 Any readers who want to collect aluminium cans can either send them to me or contact local scrap metal dealers and take them there , where they can then donate the cash to a charity of their own choice .
9 Human beings have made so much progress since the beginnings of civilization , says Godwin , that nothing can now hinder the ultimate goal — the perfectibility of man .
10 Although I can now see the inherent sense in glueing a book to a table , then the point was just beyond me .
11 Sometimes I have wondered myself , but have made so many friends and learnt so much that I can never regret the decision .
12 ‘ If it comes to that I can always use the excuse that Father needed me , ’ she answered calmly .
13 so that I can then confirm the booking .
14 Make it clear , too , that she can only have the toy if she gives one of hers in exchange .
15 This it is , but the miracle is not that Patricia Routledge can make the old weep with ‘ Roses of Picardy ’ , but that she can still move the young with it .
16 ‘ It wo n't get you anywhere , you know — ’ Melissa moved remarkably swiftly , blocking her path ‘ — hanging around Luke the way you do , finding excuses so that you can conveniently stay the weekend .
17 However , it is at the CID social functions which are sprinkled throughout the year ( especially at Christmas and any departmental promotion ) that you can clearly observe the CID style .
18 Start by loosening the skin of the breasts , and you will find that you can easily detach the thin membranes that join the flesh to the skin of the thighs .
19 They say that you can easily spot the tourists in the Big Apple — they are the people walking around gazing at the sky , at the tops of the skyscrapers .
20 There is the er the other way of looking at this that you can either change the er sort of C O balance or you can give her some clerical time , because if she can identify clerical work I mean like Diane
21 However , the great advantage of a good video is that you can actually witness the process of developing a piece of work , stage by stage , and be shown individual techniques , as well as be informed and entertained .
22 You know , so it 's like yo you 've got on this minute camera on the line and everything , you know so it , so that you can actually get the excitement of watching it you know , coming and taking
23 Would it be sensible for us to agree that on Monday of next week , we finalise , authorise and reissue procedures , that we discuss whatever Simon 's put to us now , and give feed back so that you can actually take the final documents next week and that Rita and Stella you take
24 It is important to understand that you will always remain in ultimate control when relaxing and that you can always stop the proceedings at any time should they become unpleasant or uncomfortable .
25 First , it ensures that you can still utilise the database without retrieving BLOBs and suffer no loss of speed in your application because of the presence of BLOBs within records .
26 Firstly , plug all the draughts with strips of foam draught excluder , but make sure that you can still open the windows properly .
27 Ray Floyd , Tom Kite and Hale Irwin have shown that you can still win the big titles even when you are over 40 .
28 Having convinced yourself that you can safely find the ‘ hold ’ switch and abort an autorotation landing , you should beware of making a habit of this .
29 ‘ Pretty things , ’ wrote Sawyer and Darton of illustrated books in general , ‘ pleasant to fondle , more ready to display to a bibliophile those tiny points of an exquisite technique over which it is legitimate to gloat … the spot of ink adjusted on a Corinthian 's cheek to a thousandth of an inch , or a black line so thin and firm that you can almost see the metal caressing it on to the honest untimbered white paper . ’
30 Throughout this gargantuan meal the talk was almost entirely concentrated on food , on remembering other great meals , or discussing the quality of the ham and the other salumi : ‘ It must n't just be pink ; it must n't be too fat , and it should be cut so thin that you can almost see the church tower through it . ’
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