Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] can [adv] [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Continue on to Solva Harbour where you can still see eight of the original 12 lime kilns built there .
2 ‘ Depending on the personality of the child , he or she can either become destructive or switch off completely .
3 If your offer is acceptable then you proceed by applying for a mortgage and informing your appointed solicitor or conveyancing agent of the details of the purchase , so that he or she can then make formal overtures to the vendor 's solicitors .
4 We can make in our favour or we can easily make six thousand crackers favours and we 've made a thousand .
5 I am sympathetic to your case that this policy should be extended to unpowered craft on all rivers although I can also see some problems .
6 Mr Deighton , who has been chairman since the club 's formation , said : ‘ I feel honoured and pleased that I can officially keep close ties with the club . ’
7 I fancy sometimes that I can still smell stale tobacco-smoke in here , the place is impregnated with it .
8 so that I can now walk fine with my plastic legs .
9 ‘ Tell me which struggling hardware vendor is n't playing the same game ? , ’ he says : ‘ challenge the assumption that you can effectively redeploy all your excess headcount into this catchall .
10 What is especially good about this unit is that you can also replicate big brother SVT 's trademark ‘ growl ’ , if required ; the limiter can be set to allow the power amp to be safely overdriven , without fear of blowing the speakers apart with harmful transistorised clipping .
11 It turns out that you can actively deceive some bats if you play back to them their own cries with an artificial delay .
12 . Tell you what you need to do to achieve your plan , so that you can actually give all your targets , your ratios and your activities , it 's alright , if this tells you to do thirty calls , it 's no use doing twenty .
13 In a sense the whole point of making a group protest , for example , is that you can actually display some strong feelings or other , and is n't the , the point achieving a balance between some acceptable way of maybe even physically showing your disapproval of something and something which goes over the boundaries , actually ends up with damage being done to people or property ?
14 You have exercised and maintained or even increased your metabolic rate so that you can still eat reasonable , good-sized meals and not add body fat .
15 and things , job families er , we 've got that already and we 've got , there 's gon na be the computer thing on careers but you see we 've only managed this year to get it brought down from year eleven , somebody who went into this , keeping it very close to myself , to bring it down to year ten they 're actually you know , it 's very , very difficult to let them remove it and I ca n't see that you can then make that down to ninth year just yet .
16 But when you do achieve it , you will find that you can then use aerobic walking as part of an ongoing maintenance programme to keep you at your goal weight .
17 I am not suggesting that you can never have another cup of coffee or tea but that here , as in many other areas of life , moderation is the best policy .
18 My other beef is the fact that you can only have one document open at a time , so cutting and pasting between files is cumbersome .
19 The system is less satisfactory in that you can only extract meaningful information from a bar code if you have a computer equipped with a suitable decoding system and database .
20 Mine was erm because it 's not with the nought on the end so you can just find that number
21 However , the 3.5-inch cage projects into the expansion card space so you can only fit five full-length cards .
22 Remember , these are rest days in your training , so you can always do less than I recommend in the specific schedules .
23 The almost incessant labour which that art requires leaves so little time for study that one can hardly find any person of sufficient experience capable of writing .
24 We emphasise once again that , although we can regularly identify such structural markers , their appearance in discourse should not be treated in any way as ‘ rule-governed ’ .
25 If we are concerned with recreational WW touring we should study WW paddlers in plastic boats although we can also study suitable competition paddlers to determine the high performance versions of the same moves .
26 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
27 At the moment , it does n't seem to be working and it may be that we can never return this owl to the wild — it certainly would n't survive as it is .
28 We must consider ways of describing the molecular structure as a continuum , such descriptions involving the idea of " embedding " , or we must reconcile ourselves to the fact that we can never do this and work entirely with a kinetic theory of molecules with the aim of deriving their properties including elastic ad viscous properties from the equations of motion .
29 Pausanias does not consider the authorship of the metopes , but the difference of approach we noticed between the two groups corresponds so exactly to the difference between the gables that we can safely postulate one designer for the sculptures at each end of the building ; but can it be one man who designed both ?
30 If that is how we still feel , then we must recognise that we can only think this way because the Enemy is not threatening us .
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