Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] will see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Immediately you will see a boatyard on the left .
2 Short of the holocaust , when everything will be blown away on the wind of oblivion , there is no reason to believe that we will see the lights going down on capitalism in our lifetime .
3 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
4 And I will see the McCullochs . ’
5 Repot tuber in February , start watering and you will see a repeat performance that year .
6 It is this expectation which gives the work its edge and you will see a side of Peter Pan and the Ferry Girl which perhaps only exists in our darker moments .
7 Almost inaudibly , Fand said , ‘ Look at me , mortal , and you will see the mark of her spell in my face . ’
8 To run QBasic all you have to do is type QBASIC at the command prompt and you will see the opening screen
9 Try holding a heavy frame and then a delicate one around a piece of card or photograph , and you will see the difference in effect , and be able to make your choice accordingly .
10 Fit a so-called unnatural , soft light ( e.g. Sunglo or similar ) , and you will see the difference .
11 Take a drive in the country during the hedgehog season and you will see the remains of thousands of them splattered across the roads .
12 Look at a reunion of old sportsmen and you will see an advertisement for geriatric nursing .
13 It is a fair assumption that the CBI knows at least as much about manufacturing as the hon. Lady does , and she will see a commendation of the Government 's policy in the 1980s and a firm recommendation that it should continue .
14 In future , that will mean that the old high rates will no longer be levied on the unsuspecting population , and we will see a continuation of support by central Government of local government .
15 ‘ A few more trade figures like that and we will see the market fall further . ’
16 I believe that the Bill will make headline news , because millions of people will benefit from it and they will see the advantages to them .
17 ‘ Play Cliff long enough and it will see the error of its way and shoot off to church .
18 This is something that can not be left to the dub because we will see the wind from the propellers buffeting the actors .
19 It 's only a matter of time before we will see a Centre Centre , where the visitor can enjoy a fascinating audio-visual presentation of the large varieties of Centres throughout Scotland .
20 I am not too worried about the new council tax because I doubt whether it will see the light of day .
21 The Greater York area coincides with that black circle roughly er on that on that map , and as you will see the Greater York area also coincides virtually with the whole of the greenbelt .
22 As you will see the Q.T. days for the 1989/90 programme have been arranged with one day at the beginning of each term , as requested by you the teachers , and reflect the requests and feed-back given during the past year .
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