Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have been many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Few people find Anselm a serious contender for proving the existence of God , although there have been many philosophers who have rightly observed , as we have tried to do , that the logic of existence requires careful consideration .
2 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
3 By contrast , Richard Smith and David Thomson have argued , on the basis of long-term demographic evidence , that forms of retirement have existed throughout history and ( particularly if one excludes the high birth-rate nineteenth century ) that there have been many periods in which a simple dependency ratio of the elderly to the non-elderly population has been high .
4 Despite the fact that there have been many reports describing the central effects of neuropeptides on gastric and pancreatic secretion , there has been only one previous report of the effects of a centrally acting peptide on biliary secretion .
5 In the modern world , democracy has often been perceived by liberals as a threat or potential threat to individual freedom , and there have been many warnings about the tyranny of the majority and the tyranny of public opinion .
6 We have been aware for some years that the relational model and relational database systems have not been able to represent some real-world concepts and activities , and there have been many papers and conferences devoted to the study of extensions and refinements to the original model of Codd ( 1970 ) .
7 This is only a temporary solution and there have been many attempts to organise more humane working systems .
8 The European Court has powers of judicial review over Commission decisions , and there have been many appeals to the Court against the decisions of DGIV .
9 But there have been many changes , as Fordyce Maxwell overheard
10 Captain Pugwash is probably his best-known character but there have been many others : Harris Tweed , Lettice Leefe , Mary , Mungo and Midge , Sir Prancelot , and Cardinal Grotti in the Catholic Herald .
11 As examples of the achievements of these minds , I think of the Gandavyuha and the Sufis ' planes of reality but there have been many others whose level of vision is as extensive though in no sense more penetrating or more brilliant .
12 Dr Margaret O'Brien , a chartered psychologist at East London Polytechnic and author of The New Man , told the conference : ‘ Though there have been many changes in family life over the century , it is surprising to discover that children seem to have such a traditional view . ’
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