Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 erm er if there 's anybody who you feel erm next door or who have recently been married cos it 's obviously a great help to people who have just recently been married .
2 It involves visits to the homes of children who are either convicted offenders , children at special risk , or who have recently been involved in trouble and have come to the attention of the police .
3 Neither oor Joy nor me have ever been handy .
4 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
5 We lived for a year in a cottage attached to a remote farm — so remote that I have never been able to find it again .
6 Because of my very varied upbringing I have found that I have never been able to analyse the political effects of any discrimination .
7 It is of the eighth magnitude , but I admit that I have never been able to see it with certainty even with × 20 binoculars , though it is easy enough in a telescope .
8 The colour is obvious with a telescope , but I confess that I have never been able to detect it with binoculars , even × 20 .
9 There were various factors that came into making this decision but one of the things is I 'm heartily sick that I have never been able to go away on holiday in the autumn ever in my life .
10 Many insects can detect ultraviolet light , while the vision of the common goldfish ranges from ultraviolet to far-red : achievements that we have only been able to equal in recent years with the development of sophisticated electronic equipment .
11 One thing I can be certain of is that we have all been involved in rows , misunderstandings and quarrels .
12 ‘ We have the best trained , the best qualified law enforcement officers that can be found in any major city in the world so we have always been able to maintain solid protection for our community without having the comparable size departments that other cities have , ’ he says .
13 Once again if these changes continue to develop in the UK , the classification and definition of what constitutes a rural area will have to be radically altered , although there have already been some changes , as the next section demonstrates .
14 American rhetoric on the city shares some of these themes , notably those of enterprise and the liberating influence of the market , although there have also been distinct differences embedded in US political culture .
15 Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the fact that the air squadrons of the Royal Naval Reserve have been especially effective and exceptionally well recruited and that there have even been one or two Harrier pilots in the reserve ?
16 Britain 's position within the international division of labour and its trade balance were examined in Chapter 1 , where it was seen that there have indeed been major shifts over the post-war period .
17 However , to the visitor in 1980 it is obvious that there have recently been big changes .
18 Historically we can establish that there have always been these waves of hooliganism in particular form .
19 I accept that there have always been some problems , but if one keeps filling the pot with water it will overflow .
20 The welfare state in Britain has always been pluralistic in that there have always been several sources of welfare provision .
21 More recently , these hidebound attitudes have changed , in that educated , intelligent Christians accept that there is little need for God to perform a miracle ( unless , moving in mysterious ways , He particularly wants to ) when He can create the same effect using natural processes ; while scientists have begun more and more to recognize that there may be more truth in the mystical writings of the Christian and other religions than they have previously been prepared to admit .
22 Does the Foreign Secretary agree that an international conference as proposed simply would not succeed unless Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities admit that they have both been responsible for atrocities and extremism ?
23 a letter from a grant awarding authority confirming eligibility for a mandatory award ( students not receiving an award , e.g. those repeating a year , should provide evidence that they have previously been eligible for an award ) ;
24 It is said — and I have never been able to verify this figure — 70% , and not all were shot down by the fighters , although the majority of aircraft were .
25 ‘ Susan and I have never been social butterflies , ’ Breeze explained with dignity , ‘ and I do n't think we shall be able to entertain much .
26 Fenella and I have always been close .
27 ‘ Len and I have always been good mates .
28 I rise to support the motion moved in Mr name and I have always been opposed to fox hunting full stop .
29 I usually stand up when a lady enters the room ( if the lady in question is one of those battling Berthas from Bermondsey who staff the Informer office , her subsequent confusion delights me ) , and I have always been anxious to place my education and superior talents at the service of the Radical Left .
30 It can help you concentrate on the inner content of the music ; and I have always been able to establish a real sense of what the musicians are doing .
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