Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 I believe that we will be regarded as a slightly frivolous century , and that we will not be showered with the sort of praise that we have blithely been giving ourselves .
2 I am disappointed that we have still been given no sign that the means necessary to contain violence and to disrupt the command and control structure of the IRA are about to be implemented .
3 ‘ I have been called many things by my political opponents , but I have just been given the kiss of death . ’
4 There may also be funds in bank or building society accounts but we have not been given any details of these .
5 Administrative assets " primarily used for the purposes of the former Ministry of State Security/National Security Office " would " accrue to the Trust Agency unless they have already been given over to new social or public purposes since the above mentioned date " .
6 If it is n't correct , I would like to know why Engineering 's approval has been withheld , because I have never been given any indication , at any stage , that there were any major problems regarding the project .
7 Where is Q P9 ? papers rustling This one I think we should give a little thought , because this is the one I think where oh yes this is going to get complicated because I have now been given a quiff and a few suggestion forms about it
8 Erm , now as as this so called generous funding in fact , the police authority are facing a straight deficit of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand , they are facing a further deficit of four hundred and twenty-five thousand because they have only been given one and a half percent for pay , where all the information we have been given from the Home Office , you can shake your head as much as you like Chairman , it is in fact true , and in fact , in fact as reported in the Guardian , on , only the day before yesterday , yet again the police bill is to be , almost certainly four percent , not one and a half .
9 It is difficult to question the Minister when we have not been given the figures .
10 In the midst of the proceedings , when they have already been given the Ten Commandments and much besides , and Moses is on the summit of Sinai receiving more torah to relay to them , they rebel .
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