Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] were [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Probably too much so on the political side , in so far that er er looking back , it seems that w w we were isolated from other young people , in so far that we were associated with straight political er activity and er straight political movement .
2 It is more remarkable that the religious houses survived so well than that they were faced with economic problems , and if they were sometimes regarded as grasping landlords , they had little option to be anything else .
3 Rocks close under the window were covered with grey and orange lichens ; further out they were encrusted with barnacles and beyond that they were blanketed with brown seaweeds , their slimy fronds gleaming in the sunshine .
4 Meanwhile , West Germany was coming under increasing pressure from the Commission to lift its ban imposed in early November on the import of British beef products , imposed because of fears that they were infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE , or " mad cow disease " ) which might be transferable to humans .
5 While an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm was expended on GLC-related projects , it would be a mistake to think that they were greeted with uncritical acclaim by all lesbians and gays .
6 In the main , its teachers in the early years came from London , and the minutes record that they were issued with free tickets weekly .
7 On 13 December 1991 emergency protection orders were made in respect of two children , D. , born on 20 February 1990 , and R. , born on 12 October 1991 , and they were placed with foster parents .
8 The band was two accordions and the tunes were chaloupés and javas valsées , penetrating , jerky , fast , and they were danced with extreme devotion and virtuosity .
9 Well they were ma and they were made with vegetarian suet .
10 But from the sides of their mouths projected the glistening tusks of boars , and they were crowned with great , bristling manes of stiff hair that ran down to the base of their spines .
11 And they were glazed with opaque white glass so that the patients could n't see out either , nor passers-by see in .
12 Regenerative working ceased and the equipment was gradually removed from Nos. 44–51 and they were provided with ordinary equipment .
13 The provision , which went into effect in 1986 , removed the right of British citizens to escape extradition if they were charged with political crimes .
14 Many small companies could be sustained over difficult periods in their life-cycle if they were associated with caring educational institutions who could offer facilities , skills training , professional consultancy , sharing of staff on a flexible give and take basis , students seconded as real working additions to the work force , joint economic ventures such as trading , shared facilities such as crèches , and so on .
15 Gregory the Great 's decision that English converts to Christianity might continue to use their traditional places of worship provided they were sprinkled with holy water was a revolutionary extension of clerical tolerance , with momentous implications for later missionary activity .
16 Day after day the German heavies pounded the corpses in this gully , until they were quartered , and re-quartered ; to one eye-witness it seemed as if it were filled with dismembered limbs that no one could or would bury .
17 Carl Sagan , the distinguished astrophysicist , suggested in 1961 that Venus could be made habitable to earthlings if it were seeded with blue-green algae , which would split up the carbon and oxygen molecules to glean the carbon necessary for the glucose and carbohydrate diets they would need .
18 They did n't bite , but they were mingled with ferocious mosquitoes , which did .
19 but also notes that some such as Young ( 1974 ) have argued that geographers have failed to realize the potential of contributing to human ecology because they were overconcerned with environmental determinism .
20 These were lozenge-shaped and I remembered them particularly because they were decorated with golden love knots .
21 He could say sentences which would have been preposterous if they were seen as rhetoric but which he could carry because they were delivered with uproarious humour — ‘ Liberalism prolonged one 's youth , Liberalism did not decay ’ .
22 Most Greek religious festivals occurred at or near full moon , but since they were associated with agricultural activities they had to take place at the appropriate times of the year .
23 Yesterday the rescue team were reunited when they were presented with prestigious commendation certificates from the RSPCA .
24 Thus conditions not in themselves inhuman or degrading became so when they were combined with other bad conditions .
25 The nest sites were particularly attractive to the hens when they were lined with rubber matting , or neoprine .
26 ‘ Traditional Catholic principles , once an obstacle to change in emerging capitalist economies , when they were identified with corporatist ideologies , now appear to be more compatible with various socialist models of development . ’
27 Julia set off towards the Dorsoduro , beginning to feel really ill with a headache pounding behind her left eyebrow , smarting eyes , a rasped throat and a nose that felt as though it were stuffed with hot , wet flannel with a few pins in it , but even so she decided to give her lesson .
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