Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I can not resist the admission that I was profoundly flattered when a telephone call from Harold Wilson at Downing Street invited me to mediate on the basis that , so far as they could see , I was for the moment the only tolerable candidate .
2 Looking at the event dispassionately , I realise that I was probably chosen because the film had to be ‘ in the can ’ ( a technical term we film people use for ‘ finished ’ ) by the end of February .
3 She thought she saw a hint of admiration in his eyes , but knew that she was utterly mistaken when , totally impersonally , he said , ‘ Shall we return to the drawing-room for coffee ? ’
4 Hence , it is likely that she was openly acknowledged as his consort , and was present when he was chosen as king in 1016 .
5 Parliamentary and media responses to the Report varied greatly , although it was widely seen as making an important contribution to the debate about how to respond to the riots and prevent the outbreak of violence in the future .
6 It seems clear then that the Formalist position on all these issues ( authors , reality and ideas ) is not just an arbitrary preference , but that it stems from the concepts of defamiliarisation and literariness , whose differential basis will always serve to define literature in opposition to the things that it was traditionally viewed as expressing .
7 He admits that he took the vehicle , but says that it was already damaged when he got in or that it was not damaged when he left the scene and that it must have been damaged by someone who took it later .
8 This led to Unionist accusations that the SDLP was boycotting the process ; however , the Ulster Unionist Party announced on May 29 that it was also withdrawing until Brooke cleared up the procedural issues .
9 Ernie was built in the strong mould of the traditional full-back of the time , but he was cool under pressure and had a keen eye for a volleyed clearance to avert any threatening danger , so that it was entirely fitting when the Football League honoured him with a place in one of their representative sides in the autumn of 1921 .
10 It seemed to Dalgliesh that he was subtly altered since his arrival , had become charged with a power both mysterious and oddly familiar .
11 He puts his arms round her , and insists that he was partly to blame as well .
12 Bludworth stated that he was still considering whether to bring similar charges against NBC News and the New York Times which also disclosed the name of the woman .
13 Even though the defendant knew the names and addresses of all customers , the quality of contact was not of the degree required in order to establish that he was ever regarded as " being the business " or even had any influence over the customers .
14 However , as Captain Robert Cunningham pointed out , as watchman Main was actually paid his £15 , while in his promoted post he had not been appointed to any port and held an appointment as tidesman at large , which meant that he was only paid when he was actually employed , and Haldane interest with the commissioners would make his tours of duty few and far between unless he experienced a timely political conversion .
15 Even though it caught his eyes , so that he was actually watching when it happened , the figure that leapt from the blackness was only a silvery blur , moving with breathtaking and unreal speed .
16 Not only that ; Mordecai was equally definite that he was merely doing as he had been instructed .
17 Careful examination of ancient Egyptian cloisonné work has shown that what was once claimed as enamel was in reality coloured glass skilfully cut to fit the cloisons .
18 The first inkling that anything was wrong came when Prestatyn station box rang Chester Control to query the foreign engine running through his platform , but it was out of section before the reply was received .
19 In that first week , Dulcie was planning a programme of ballets with the school , and I was immediately cast as Kostchei — almost entirely a mime role — in her own version of The Firebird , called Russian Tale .
20 Well , they got me out , and into our trenches , and patched me up , and I was just leaving when the Huns started shelling .
21 Mm and I was just wondering if that is your girl who is due to come at a quarter past six then she erm
22 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
23 She come in , she was alright when she come in and she was just speaking as usual , she went up to bed
24 It did n't take long , and she was just finishing when Bill arrived , bearing a large picnic hamper .
25 It was a sensual onslaught that made her brain whirl , and she was still dazed as he released her and looked down into her dazed eyes .
26 It certainly brought the door banging open ; and she was still screaming when his body was lifted from her and she saw the poker coming down towards his head .
27 I had Philippe Alliot in front of me and there was nowhere to go when I was hit by Zanardi . ’
28 Zahedis chateau Lafite and other vintage were pouted into the embassy fountain , and he was publicly denounced as having bribed congressmen and journalists with drugs and call girls .
29 It had been an uncomfortable and disturbing sensation and he was still wondering whether it had n't been only the incense , the spring evening , and nostalgia for his boyhood .
30 He waited as the final farewells were taken , and he was still waiting as the train pulled away .
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