Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is not going to " in BNC.

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1 Teachers want to have their privacy invaded , provided they are given a little nudge and they feel sure that there is n't going to be any ‘ comeback ’ in their school .
2 They simply share the belief that it is not going to be possible to explain behaviour adequately if mental processes are identified with the contents of conscious awareness .
3 ‘ It 's a wonderful goal , except that it is not going to be reached overnight .
4 When trading in or throwing away an old " fridge " try to make sure that it is not going to be just broken up without the CFC gas being properly collected first .
5 And everybody knows from the Depratment of transport downwards that it is n't going to work .
6 ‘ Well I do n't believe you did and he is n't going to be able to prove it . ’
7 And he is not going to be too keen on you continuing with your career , either , ’ she 'd added warningly .
8 Now you 're trying to walk through the mirror , and it is n't going to work . ’
9 And it is not going to be won ’ , says Mr Carlson , ‘ by a bunch of biplane pilots flying round by the seat of their pants . ’
10 Micro Focus Plc makes a very good living out of a programming language that many believed would be long dead by now yet still shows no signs of fading away — but if object-oriented programming fulfils its promise and sweeps away the paraphernalia of the first 35 years of the computer industry , Micro Focus is going to have to be ready and waiting if it is not going to be swept away too .
11 It does n't have to have the polish of a broadcast programme if it is not going to be broadcast .
12 I mutter something and start to clear the dishes , but she is not going to be brushed aside , so Darius crouches at the table with his chin on his hands , watching us like we 're Punch and Judy , and I admit that someone might come .
13 But there is n't going to be any other answer because that is the only answer .
14 It is possible to have a system in which ‘ workload related budgets concerning financial and manpower allocations , etc but it is not going to be ‘ unsophisticated ’ .
15 The power of scientists and their masters may sometimes be sinister , but it is not going to be effectively redistributed through an ill considered and superficial programme like the one outlined in Partial Progress .
16 But it is n't going to be a cake-walk .
17 Your wording was not quite good enough John , because there is n't going to be a manual for finance monitor or a manual for health monitor .
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