Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [verb] [conj] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 Further procedures which may be undertaken in cases where more detailed information is needed or where it is suspected that there may be serious problems with vision include the visually evaluated response ( VER ) and the electroretinogram ( ERG ) .
2 Detention of a whole class may technically still be lawful , although it is becoming increasingly likely that a judge would have doubts about the reasonableness of this course of action where it is known that there may only be one or two culprits .
3 A strict auction is appropriate if there are a considerable number of interested parties or it is known that there are several parties determined to acquire the business .
4 There is no crew as such because the Doom Diver effectively launches himself , although it is assumed that there are a number of Doom Divers ready and willing to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
5 A coherent strategy for retrospective conversion has not been attempted for the UK ( although it is known that there are stirrings of such an initiative in a European context , involving the British Library ) and lack of institutional funding for such unglamorous activities has ensured at best a piecemeal approach .
6 The Aristotelian view , as I have interpreted it , ‘ works ’ only to the extent that it is assumed that there is no problem about what I shall call ‘ the autonomy of desires ’ .
7 At this point it is sufficient to mention that it is accepted that there were differences between the real and reported rates , but that for some crimes over certain periods of time the difference was fairly constant .
8 The inevitable conclusion which will be jumped to is that he is going because there is about to be some momentous U-turn over Maastricht now that Britain 's presidency of the EC is over .
9 Once it is conceded that there are grounds other than eugenic ones for a separate offence of incest , then the question which inevitably arises is why the crime should be confined to sexual intercourse .
10 If one is to recognize that there are applied linguists and language teachers in the world identifiable by the difference of role they play ( even though these roles may exist in different degrees of convergence ) then the division of responsibility which corresponds with appraisal and application seems to be just about the only one to make .
11 The first and last pictures contrast highly ordered motion at one end of the sequence with turbulent motion at the other end , and it is seen that there is a series of intermediate stages by which transition from one to the other takes place .
12 The city council recognises the need to re-inject life into the potentially deserted central area , particularly after business hours , and it is considered that there is no surer means of achieving this aim than by encouraging young people to live in the city centre again .
13 Drink has always been a problem since men discovered how to distil and it is known that there were a great many small stills on the island .
14 Drink has always been a problem since men discovered how to distil and it is known that there were a great many small stills on the island .
15 If the application is made on the grounds that debts have been paid or secured and it is known that there are creditors who have not proved their debts , the court may direct that notice be given to them of the application and order the trustee ( or official receiver ) to advertise the application and , in the meantime , adjourn the application for not less than thirty-five days ( r 6.209 ) .
16 Since then , the number of bail information schemes has expanded considerably , and it is estimated that there will be more than 100 in operation by April 1992 ( NACRO , 1990a ) .
17 Other manufacturers have also banned CFCs from their products and it is expected that there will be a sizeable cut in the use of CFCs in the early nineties .
18 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
19 Even if it is accepted that there is now overwhelming evidence that we possess a body clock , it will appear to have little use .
20 If it is accepted that there is a role , though admittedly limited , for managing gall stone disease by preservation of the gall bladder , should the rotary lithotrite be the method of choice ?
21 If it is maintained that there has to be an independent criterion of truth , then the difficulty we are confronted with is determining precisely what that criterion might be .
22 If it is agreed that there is to be no magic , the teacher and the children must stick by their decision .
23 If it is thought that there are some similarities between country A and country B in the market for microcomputers or car telephones or videocameras etc , a multinational company can analyse its market expenditures within both countries , comparing the effectiveness of these expenditures in each country .
24 If it is thought that there may be infection in the bladder ( cystitis ) or kidneys , a special sample needs to be taken for laboratory analysis .
25 Medical , educational and social service provision becomes a low priority if it is considered that there is only a marginal return on such investment .
26 If it is considered that there was no implied threat in this situation , will the defendant nevertheless be guilty ?
27 If it is known that there will be no other worker present , staff must go accompanied to mental health assessments ; the removal of children , child abuse investigations or any situation where there is a likelihood of violence .
28 If it is supposed that there is a want of definiteness about the idea of something 's " occurring within consciousness " , we can as well speak of anything whatever of which there is a logical possibility that an individual can discriminate it in his or her or its consciousness .
29 But , but he is saying that there is this process under way , this revolutionary process of overthrowing the system as it stands .
30 I shall here consider three such attempts to connect past and present : firstly , that which I shall call a ‘ kairos ’ approach , in which the past is basically normative but it is said that there can be development ; secondly , that which I shall call the ‘ golden thread ’ approach , in which a leading motif is lifted out of the past and applied in another situation ; thirdly , that which I shall call an ‘ a priori ethical ’ position , in which essentially authority is seen to lie in the present but there is not perceived to be any fundamental clash with the past .
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