Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [adj] for you " in BNC.

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1 However , if the department or faculty you are interested in is not listed , or it is impossible for you to come on the given dates , then we will do our best to arrange an individual visit for you provided you give us plenty of advance notice .
2 Do n't buy a hard bed in the mistaken belief that it is good for you .
3 The common-sense view of sleep is that it is good for you , providing an opportunity for recovery from fatigue , is essential for growth , and crucial in cure from illness .
4 Do n't forget that it is safe for you to talk and play with someone with HIV or AIDS .
5 At this time of year , mid-Autumn , the snow has usually not arrived in Tromsø and it is possible for you to have the hills to yourself in Tromsdalen or , better , in Lyngen , but this year there was already a metre of the stuff down at sea level .
6 It is very natural for you to miss each other , and it is important for you to know where they are and to be able to make contact with them whenever you want to .
7 If it is impossible for you to release them there make sure they are given their freedom in an area with abundant supplies of nectar .
8 If it is suitable for you , your doctor might suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT to relieve the symptoms .
9 If it is suitable for you , your doctor might suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ) to relieve the symptoms .
10 If it is difficult for you to get to the post office , the coloured pages in the book explain how someone else can draw the payment for you .
11 If it is difficult for you to visit because of travel costs please discuss this with your social worker as we can usually help with your fares .
12 ‘ And we have to decide if it is sensible for you to go to Baskerville Hall .
13 I can not at present be more specific about when I shall be able to deliver the items to you , but if it is important for you to have a specific time , could I ask you , please , to get in touch in a day or so .
14 And what is true for you would be true for every other supplier : they too will supply more than the natural level if the price on their island is above what they expected the average price to be , and less if it is below .
15 Now this may not be the most compelling subject but it is important for you to know that throughout our term in office , we 've not left you on your own as you carry out the task of raising funds for your programme .
16 if you feel tired or unwell , fatigue can cause serious accidents , never drive if you 're under the influence of drugs or medicines , it can seriously affect your driving ability , always ask your doctor whether it is safe for you to drive when taking prescribed medicines .
17 The quantity and the period for leasing can be perfectly adapted to your needs : whether it is for 10 , 100 or 1000 machines ( or as many as you need ) for 4 , 8 or 12 weeks ( or as long as it is profitable for you ) .
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