Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] know [Wh det] he [be] " in BNC.

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1 I fancied that I knew what he was thinking ; much like what Jack would have thought .
2 With things like art nouveau and Edwardian furniture , when David started buying them , I went and got books to get my act together in order that I knew what he was into , but with drugs , I did n't know , added to which David was very secretive and for a long time I was n't aware that he was having a problem , not necessarily from cocaine addiction , which everybody loves to tell you is not addictive , but it is in terms of the fact that you rely on feeling up to cope — you just become more and more paranoid .
3 He must have seen from my face that I knew what he was talking about .
4 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
5 She had never questioned his facts ; he had been ten or twelve at the time and she had confidently assumed that he knew what he was talking about .
6 We therefore assumed that he knew what he was doing , and got on with our work as well .
7 He was a Syrian and there is no question that he knew what he was about .
8 I thought my boyfriend would make sure that he knew what he was doing , " cos at that time I did n't know what I was letting myself in for and also because he was nineteen I said to myself that he was more responsible .
9 lasted quite a period of time because they wanted to make sure that he knew what he was doing and everything
10 And unless he speaks in a very odd way we take it for granted that he knows what he is saying .
11 The Profitboss profits from the facts , convincing his customers , suppliers , colleagues and team alike that he knows what he 's talking about , that his conclusions and recommendations are based on solid evidence rather than unsubstantiated opinion .
12 Another thing about Steven Hughes Conference is that he knows what he 's talking about , on on shop floor iss issues like health and safety and those colleagues who were present at the launch of the G M B's National Health and Safety Campaign will confirm that especially the way he described the Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Executive .
13 And they do for 5–10 minutes , then he speaks out of the silence , ‘ and I know what he is saying is of the Holy Spirit — it resonates so clearly in me and rings true ’ .
14 Then Julius Caesar comes up and I knew what he were going to say before he said it . ’
15 And you knew what he was on about .
16 In these circumstances a PRO who has a good camera and who knows what he is doing may decide to take publicity shots of local events and newsworthy items such as new employees , new sports facilities or retirement presentations .
17 And he knew what he was talking about .
18 But he 's got all the charts and he knows what he 's doing .
19 These days are assuredly gone , for contemporary society , as Cosmo ( Matthew Wait ) declares , is based on ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ and he knows what he 's talking about .
20 He seems sensible and rather nice and he knows what he is talking about .
21 And you wanted to hit him sometimes and ask him if he knew what he was doing .
22 Fair enough — but the way he answered he made out as if he knew what he was talking about .
23 But you know what he 's like .
24 You should have seen the butter he put on his toast in the mornings , I kept on at him but you know what he was like , he would n't be told .
25 but you know what he was taking out of his bank that 's what he
26 But she knows what he 's like .
27 But he knew what he was looking at , though to the untrained eye it was just a pile of minuscule fragments .
28 ‘ Because — oh , because you know what he 's like .
29 Because you know what he 's like when he gets talking , he talks so much he just cuts all your hair off Ye yeah it 's all cut on the sides and cos , cos they 're all taught to finger dry and what have you , he does all this and what have you .
30 ‘ Be quiet ! ’ he ordered , and before she knew what he was about he had snatched at her white cap and pulled it off .
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