Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] see them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was not the case that he neglected domestic issues — least of all in the period 1963 – 65 — but rather that he saw them within the larger framework of France 's relations with the world .
2 I 've been talking to some of them about it , it 's meant to be , cos I did n't know it was going on , and I saw them in the paper , says oh !
3 You would recognise them if you saw them in the street , there 's no doubt about that , but they 're not academic studies , they 're caricatured to a point .
4 You would recognise them if you saw them in the street , there 's no doubt about that , but they 're not academic studies , they 're caricatured to a point .
5 Erm when you see erm Alan John erm if you see them over the next day or two if I can just give you this er these , these little leaflets
6 so , erm , they rang and they rang , and they rang for a good twenty to twenty five minutes and we just erm , we , we all huddled together in the living room , and erm , anyway about half an hour went past , and then they finally went , we saw them , we live in a flat , and we saw them from the window , we saw them going back to the station you see .
7 And I 'm sure they 'll pick them up if they see them in the
8 Doubtless they describe the hard life of the villager and the poverty of his surroundings as Crabbe saw them : but he was not a peasant , as Clare was , and he saw them from the outside as harsh , ugly and wretched .
9 We all buy goods on impulse sometimes — simply because we saw them on the shelf of the shop .
10 I 'd heard that American Music Club were something wonderful , but when I saw them at the Grand in Clapham recently , I was n't that impressed .
11 When I see them in the church I always talk to them and I said ‘ Look have you got bottles ? ’ and sometimes they 'll say yes and sometimes they 'll say no .
12 Writing of the work of Chardin , whose most profoundly moving paintings are revelations of how trivial , homely , everyday scenes and objects are transformed for us when we see them through the eyes of a great painter , Proust says , " Chardin has taught us that a pear is as living as a woman , a kitchen crock as beautiful as an emerald . "
13 However , even here a discrepancy arises as Mercier shows the keyfronts to be black ( just as we see them on the William Smith ) , whereas in all of the spinets by Hitchcock and in his sole surviving harpsichord at the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , the colour of the keyfronts matches the natural key plates ( i.e. ivory keys always have ivory arcades ) .
14 If I continue then with some introductory remarks erm on policy H one a and one A , perhaps that would set the scene er for the discussion , then Mr will very briefly erm look at the differences as he sees them between the two sets erm of projections .
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