Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] could [verb] another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or you could stay another year at school or college and re-take the subjects you failed .
2 Before I left , I expressed the hope that he could pay another visit to Oxford , though this time a purely private one , and I see that I wrote to him repeating this towards the end of term — the final term — because on 17 June he replied to my home address :
3 Ron asked for secrecy so that he could sign another driver without its being known that he was truly needy .
4 Well at about er when I was about eighteen , I erm I decided I 'd had enough of this er this business of three days on the three days on , and three off , in the winter , and it was about October time and I could see another winter of it .
5 ‘ Perhaps you could let me have your number and then I 'll give you a call when Mr Steen is back in town and we could fix another appointment . ’
6 But if they were short , they would keep you on until they could get another man from a different station , so that you might only have two hours off .
7 Before she could make another move , his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible .
8 The amber eyes looked deeply into hers and she was drowning , out of her emotional depth , before she could draw another breath .
9 ‘ Perhaps I may be permitted to take you , ’ Lubor jumped in before she could draw another breath .
10 ‘ You 're sure of that , are you ? ’ he slammed into her before she could draw another breath .
11 She could not but be gratified and relieved at the possibility of a small sum to see her through the likely lean period before she could get another post .
12 ‘ You are my woman , ’ he growled , and before she could say another word , he kissed her .
13 But the battalion did n't give him that many evenings off during the week , and if she did n't see him when he was free it often turned out to be several days before they could spend another evening together .
14 She had rung off before he could say another word .
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