Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And we 've all been in situations where we 've walked into an area , whether it be , sort of a car park is poorly lit , or you 've gone down a lane that 's perhaps been overgrown by bushes and things like that we generally do n't feel as confident .
2 An older person who has been accustomed to being in charge does n't suddenly stop feeling responsible for other people just because he or she has gone into a Home .
3 Never remove any clothes that have stuck to the skin and do not give the child anything to drink in case he or she has to go to the operating theatre .
4 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
5 He had seen them at the County Show , where he had gone for the rabbits , all those girls with plaits and scrubbed faces and clean gloves , doing an exhibition ride .
6 And this , in spite of some effort on my part to prevent it , led to the subject of science fiction , and where it had gone since the original efforts of Swift and Verne and H. G. Wells .
7 the the reasoning being that I 've gone into the aspects of erm income support and that and basically i it 's about seventy pound a week to live on .
8 In the morning I explained to Diana and Mary that I had to go on a journey , and would be away for several days .
9 He said he did n't want to see my baby , and that I had to go into a home for unmarried mothers .
10 A little while after that my Mum went to live with my sister and her family , so I had to go into a bedsit .
11 Aszal refused to leave her until , he says , at 1 a.m. they were told that she had to go to a detention centre where men were not allowed .
12 But she heard herself saying , still in shrewish style , that on the contrary there was n't any time in the morning , that she had to go to a psychoanalytical conference in the Metropole Hotel with a bunch of Japanese in the morning , that she wanted to talk now , that he could n't just announce that he wanted to get divorced and then decide he was too tired to talk about it .
13 It would hardly cross his mind that she had gone past the point of that to something altogether more serious and far less retrievable .
14 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
15 Would n't Veronica think it suspicious that she had gone to the lengths of calling two days running ?
16 It turned out that she had gone for a hill walk on her own with an agreed pick up point by him in the car .
17 Some might say it presents an idealistic picture of family life ; others that it is a reactionary attempt to turn the clock back on the women 's movement ; yet others might argue that she has gone beyond the available evidence in concluding , or at least implying , that delinquency might result from early day-care experiences .
18 But two cars took her out against and they believe that she 's gone to the airport and they did n't know where where she was excised .
19 Do n't we pay you enough that you have to go into the courier business ? ’
20 By and large , the war passed us by in Baldersdale , although we had to go through the business of putting black-out curtains at all the windows , even though all the light we had was from oil lamps .
21 More importantly , it 's er conveys to the client that we care about quality , that we 've gone to the trouble to set up procedures which make our product as good as it possibly can be .
22 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
23 If at the end of the day once we have gone through the goo the good housekeena keeping exercise and he has been put into an M S three post that you think he is not capable of , then you 've got two options .
24 But I am determined to fight back , and where I think that they 've gone over the top , I 'll take them to court .
25 They consulted their street map but , before they could work out their route , the little girl told them that they had to go down the hill , over the bridge , past another church , turn to the right and they would come to the church for which they were looking .
26 I had told Elizabeth that when my friends left Greece I always felt that they had gone into an underworld ; I wanted them back , but had no wish to go with them .
27 Girls who are very aware of parental disapproval may not feel able to take this step and also not want to run the risk of parents somehow finding out that they had gone to the doctor or the clinic .
28 interview , that we did n't have erm much sort of inroads with the the young Caribbean community or the Rastafarian community , but erm you know I have spoken to one or two , and I remember speaking to one who said , that they had gone after a warehouse somewhere .
29 But I think once they 've gone off the road now it 's gon na be gon na be worse when the , when the engine stops ?
30 But although we found little , report had magnified our findings in no ordinary degree and we afterwards learnt that it had gone over the country around that we had dug up a great treasure of gold .
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