Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] given [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
2 Because I would think it 's that I had n't given you the
3 It certainly has no basis in the figures that I have just given him in answer to his question .
4 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
5 He added that she had not given him her London address .
6 She had been so worried that she had not given one thought to the fact that she was here in her nightdress with Felipe standing looking down at her .
7 ‘ Fortunately for you , ’ she agreed swiftly , having momentarily forgotten that she had deliberately given him the impression that she wanted their affair kept secret .
8 It crossed Juliet 's mind that she 'd never given him her home number , so how could he know it ?
9 Her voice trailed away as she realised , from the other woman 's beaming smile of relief , that she 'd inadvertently given her hostess quite the wrong impression .
10 I 'm supposed to think that you 've just given me the OK . ’
11 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
12 ‘ I see a lot more than you 've ever given me credit for ! ’ he retorted curtly .
13 The exception to this is the police , who have had by far the largest addition to that , they have n't lost money when they lost S S A , erm , we have been ge , extremely generous to them , far more than to any other committee this year , erm , and although we have n't given them money for , to pay awards because we do n't know exactly what it is .
14 We must also recognise that we have not given them the support and management guidance on practical recruitment that they , as volunteers , need .
15 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
16 I knew that they had not given you enough time to recover from the pneumonia .
17 They 'd also like comments from this Parish Council , and it was odd that they have n't given us a sketch to look at .
18 Franco could not believe that the miners wanted more than he had already given them and , as always , viewed their discontent as political subversion .
19 oh yes he said I 've worked it out those extra hours I 've paid you for them but I thought you actually worked for them for nothing and I 've just given you a bonus
20 And I had n't given my permission . ’
21 And I have already given you my opinion .
22 And Dr Neil , staring at her wine glass as though it were a bomb , said , ‘ Trust me McAllister ; alcohol will do you nothing but good after your adventures tonight — you will sleep well , and I have already given you my word that I will behave myself . ’
23 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
24 But , but the other thing about giving them a standardised test at the re , when when they first arrived with us , is when you get the parent who comes and says well how they were level five in the primary school and you 've only given them level four ?
25 And you have n't given yourself a drink .
26 If you had only given me my wife and children : Dayenu ! ’
27 If you had only given us the Law : Dayenu ! …
28 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
29 Now this year what I 've done is actually going to see the form teacher and look at the classes and they 've actually given me a lot more information this year and hopefully , keep our fingers crossed , the classes are very varied and we have good , we have middling , and we have the not so good and we 've tried to keep those like that .
30 If they had not given him some food , he surely would have died like his mother .
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