Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [verb] her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
2 The Queen commending his work , not only for the pains therein taken , said that nothing had given her so great delectation .
3 No I was thinking that I 've seen her perhaps I was thinking , you know , you remind me of it .
4 I told Spruce a bit about Amy and Hereward 's marriage and I did mention that I 'd seen her here on Friday night and Saturday morning .
5 Halema turned to the Sheikha who said that I had known her well .
6 If she should mention to Constance that someone had treated her shabbily and Constance referred the matter to her brothers , they would uncomplainingly track down the brute and teach him manners .
7 Juliet felt quite pleased about this ; the girl was her own age , twenty , and , although she 'd seen her only a few times , she felt drawn to her cheerful , intelligent personality .
8 In the end Mrs Reed was so afraid of this child 's evil influence on her own children that she had to send her here .
9 That she 'd lost her normally very healthy appetite , reduced to picking desultorily at meals where once she would have tucked in hungrily ?
10 Now that you 're in charge , now that you 've brought her home … ’
11 He 'd trusted her ; even when everything seemed to point against her , and although he 'd known her only a few short days , he 'd believed in her .
12 Although he had defied her before , it had only been in words but now the thought that he had the choice of putting those words into action and so set a new pattern , and in doing so break one of the threads that tied him to her , caused his whole body to tremble and his voice to quiver as he said , ‘ Either you give me permission freely to go with Mick tomorrow or I go down now and put it to Martin . ’
13 Travis led the way to the library and , to show that he knew Rosemary 's parents ' phone number by heart , although he had phoned her there only once , he immediately started to dial .
14 You know that , ’ she replied , and discovered that Travis , more interested in his love-life than hers , wanted to talk about Rosemary and how much he missed seeing her and the fact that he had been so lonesome for her that he 'd phoned her flat several times yesterday evening and , receiving no reply , had realised she must still be at her parents ' home .
15 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
16 But , as she recognised him from yesterday , so she knew that he had recognised her too .
17 It was strange , strange and ominous , that he had seen her before , outside the University last week .
18 She felt , with a certainty she could n't explain , that he had called her here , and for some purpose .
19 When she discovered that he had called her repeatedly on a mobile phone she flew into a rage .
20 She had gestured towards the bedroom that he had shown her shortly before .
21 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
22 Kellett-Bowman ) , who wanted to retain the poll tax — I do not think that anyone has told her yet that the Conservatives propose to do away with it .
23 So er there was this poor girl sitting on this seat and I 'd seen her there and so , there was a nice lady sat they said er they took the Redditch train off the thing and put this Shrewsbury on .
24 There 's a Girl in My Suit … and I 've seen her somewhere before
25 ‘ I 'm her brother and I 've seen her there . ’
26 I refused to destroy her young life , and I 've left her as honest as I found her . ’
27 One of my cats , unassuming and docile by nature most of the time , turns into a wild tiger if I have to hold her still to give her medicine .
28 More than that , she had an instinct for tactical manoeuvring which had helped her in her chosen profession , and which had served her well up till now .
29 The last one had caused her to slip and she had jarred her already sore wrist by flinging out a hand to save herself .
30 It 's dark , but I know it 's Marie cos she 's got her jangly boots on and I can hear them .
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