Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And er this is what I do , Well I used to do jobs round here for a while or I 've chucked it up now aye .
2 Flora or somebody had told her where to find him .
3 The gun lay on the covers , where she had put it down while they were talking .
4 So your mum 's cut it up or you 've cut it up this time just between the two of us and you 've cut it into two halves you 've got half there and I 've got another half .
5 Either you have not shown these plans elsewhere , in which case I owe you an apology … or you have touted them round , and the fools ca n't see what 's in front of them . ’
6 However , there are very few people who know how to survey and excavate underwater , and because it tends to cost so much more than land archaeology it needs to be a very worthwhile site or we have to leave it alone ’ .
7 The girls were still there , standing where he had seen them earlier .
8 All true , we found — Hugh will bear me out — the branch lying where he had cast it aside .
9 He had fought with Pearse in the GPO in 1916 , where he had acquitted himself honourably , and he had risen swiftly through the ranks .
10 The Christian life should be one of joy and peace , they feel , so either they have failed God or he has let them down — though they feel guilty for thinking so .
11 Or he 's chucked them away . ’
12 If he 's got a job there , and he 's done it well or he 's done it badly , tell him he 's done it badly , tell them where they 've gone wrong and tell them what they should do to put it right .
13 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
14 The Queen commending his work , not only for the pains therein taken , said that nothing had given her so great delectation .
15 I was unsure whether to make her Northern , like my own mother , which works wonderfully well with Zelma-like lines , eg. ‘ If you were me , would you wear the blue dress with the beading that everyone 's seen me in , or the new one I 've kept hanging up for two years ? ’ or ‘ Sha n't I buy the beef , then ?
16 Once someone had pointed it out to me , together with its next door neighbour , as an example of a building style peculiar to this little area of Surrey .
17 I was grateful for the radio he had borrowed from the farmer , although I had to play it almost inaudibly , so as not to disturb him .
18 Ca n't say I 've learnt much although I 've started it again and again in the last two years .
19 and I keep on saying that I 've said it like about so many things when we 're at home and she goes , what is this you always saying well with everything .
20 ‘ Only that I 've seen them before . ’
21 No I was thinking that I 've seen her perhaps I was thinking , you know , you remind me of it .
22 Only that I 've heard it before .
23 ‘ Now that I 've met you again , ’ he said meaningly , ‘ I shall be coming down much more often .
24 I just hope that I 've plugged it in properly .
25 Look here , I know that I 've treated you badly
26 Well , now that I 've tracked you down , perhaps you would n't mind letting me in on the key to all this mystery .
27 Well I hope that I 've given you enough to get you started on the right tracks .
28 Any selection of a few new titles , therefore , is bound to be especially arbitrary ; I can only plead that I 've made it as wide as possible .
29 She 'd say , that I 've set you up to say it .
30 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
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