Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 on that syllabus that I 've just looked at , so
2 shall we just look at one or two erm documents that you 've already looked at please , would you go to page twenty nine , just the illustration that seen and this is the I 'm not sure whether a point is going to be made about this or not , but if you look at page thirty one there there 's a golf club on the left and a man fishing on the right
3 But , I , I 'm not , you know , because thi but compared with the one that we 've just looked at this is small , but it 's still got plenty of impact .
4 Somewhat cheekily that committee came back to us and asked us very nicely would we provide about twenty five for the force , which we thought was a cheek but having said that we 've actually looked at it and there may well be a way that we could afford it .
5 There are hints of one in the story of Rahab and the spies that we have already looked at , hints of an attack mounted on the basis of inside information gathered in that dangerous night of pleasure , or of stealthy entry into the city gained by means of Rahab 's treachery .
6 Wales rugby is supposed to be resurgent , so they had better look at things off the pitch as well as on it . ’
7 He might also have said , as he had on countless occasions , that although he had constantly looked to the British for advice , he distrusted them acutely .
8 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
9 That he had only looked through Mrs report on the day of his evidence and had taken five or ten minutes on Mrs report .
10 He decided that he was never likely to do even as well as they and that he had better look for another career , which eventually he found successfully in the world of travel .
11 Best probably knows he should have Cusworth on board and you have only to look at the magical ( and almost posthumous ) transformation that Best has wrought in Peter Winterbottom 's handling and passing to see what a course in sevens indoctrination can achieve .
12 It is grosser than in any European country and you have only to look down the nearest street to see it .
13 In the survey , an unemployed person is defined as anyone aged fifteen and over who was not employed during the week before the interview and who had actually looked for full-time or part-time work .
14 It was she who told me that Doogie was a commis chef at one of the better Park Lane hotels ( and I 'd said I had n't realized his politics were important and she 'd just looked at me ) and she was a journalist with one of the North London suburban weeklies .
15 I , when I took them back and looked at them , there were lots and lots of , of re er , errors if you like that if you had really looked at them you could of picked out yourself .
16 If you have ever looked at the ingredients list on your bag of Koi pellets , you may have been puzzled by the high ash content .
17 The use of sacred measure and proportion has been developed by many researchers to postulate a geometrical pattern across the land , extending Watkins ' ley theory into wider concepts of ‘ landscape geometry ’ , and we have already looked at the work of Tyler , Lawton and Koop in exploring wider patterns .
18 Local authority housing provides an example of the former and we have already looked at the role of charges in the NHS .
19 We are young and youth is said to be fickle , mutable , and we have both looked at the possibility of ourselves not being exceptions to that supposed rule .
20 But I have two lovely daughters and two sons , and they 've always looked after me and loved me .
21 If they had just looked at the laws governing slavery , as had done both their contemporaries and more recent social scientists , they would have been unable to distinguish between slavery as a minor and rare form of exploitation , on the one hand , supplying occasional domestic and sexual luxuries , and slavery as the basis of whole economies , on the other hand , where most of production is carried out by slave labour .
22 Sarah was now his wife , and he had only to look at her to know he had done the right thing .
23 It brought both of the Lorrimores to their feet in an incredulous rush , but they had only to look at the faces crowding behind her to know it was true .
24 She did n't know the colour of his eyes because she had never looked into them .
25 He thought it was a very strange simile , because he had never looked upon Jim as a lame dog , more like a gay dog .
26 From hour to hour one 's life slipped away from one into the haze , before one had really looked at any of it properly .
27 His head , when I 'd finally looked at him , was turned away from me towards his companions , as was Daffodil 's also .
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