Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] into " in BNC.

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1 It is doubtful if Marian and Allen would have found again the rock shelter where they had accidentally walked into the arms of the waiting verderers if Allen had not noticed his knife lying where Crane had kicked it .
2 Yet some of the people concerned would be people I was at school with ; and in any case it would cal 1 upon questions and allegiances that I had continuously pushed into the rear recesses of my mind .
3 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
4 The cooperation of the Rotel has bee such that I have often gone into the ‘ play it again ’ mode on my regular machine because credibility was being strained .
5 You really feel that we 've really put into it and really done well have n't we ?
6 Our particular strength is that we have progressively focused into areas of specialisation including pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals .
7 To be engaged in the same strategy , we need to be clear that we have fully entered into this same understanding .
8 Once we had all got into our canoes we were given a quick talk on safety procedure , capsize drill and what to do if you get into trouble .
9 There 's still another shoe to drop on whether they can survive the maelstrom of pressures that they 've just plunged into .
10 They reckoned that they had already entered into their reign with Christ : they were already rich already filled with the powers of the Age to Come ( 1 Cor 4:8 ) Paul comes down immediately like a ton of bricks on this attitude which regards the Spirit as a medium of religious experience or an embodiment of supernatural power , rather than as the vocation to and equipment for the role of the Servant .
11 The trouble with the new community councils is that they have largely fallen into the hands of the incoming middle-class whose views are likely to be coincident with the dominant ideology .
12 It is a tribute to the smoothness of the operation that many private pilots do not realise that they have effectively moved into another country 's airspace when they enter the Jersey zone .
13 Such gigantic creatures could hardly be living in some remote spot unknown to European science , so they had either changed into something else or had become extinct .
14 I met R. D. Case afterwards — he was on the Westminster Gazette at that time — and he told me that Stanford was so drunk that he 'd almost fallen into the gravel Apparently he 'd just been caught in time by George Watson-Forbes , who later wrote a remarkable series of articles in the Daily News on the Home Rule question . ’
15 Can Misha Glenny be so politically naive that he has unwittingly turned into an apologist for aggression ?
16 He looked exactly the same except for his hair , which Hari had shaved off for his experiments and which had now grown into a furry black stubble through which the numbered segments of his skull could still be faintly perceived .
17 The bill identifies much of the blame for the tremendously high rate of deforestation in India as belonging to the adivasis or tribal peoples , who have been systematically marginalised and impoverished for over a thousand years , and who have now retreated into the mountains and remaining forests of central India ( a close-up case study is provided of a tribal group , the Sora , in sect. 7.4 ) .
18 She simply looks satisfied , as if she had just bitten into the most delicious slab of chocolate she ever tasted .
19 You should n't , if you 've already turned into a full-time clergyman 's wife .
20 If you 've ever drilled into a water pipe or found it difficult to get a good fixing on a wall , you need a Rapitest Wire , Pipe & Stud Detector .
21 Well it 's not as if you 've like come into loads of money when you suddenly turn sixteen is it ?
22 And we 've only moved into here .
23 ‘ I must say I 'd have been happier , ’ said Rose , when everyone was suited and they had all sunk into their chairs , ‘ if Viola had kept away .
24 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
25 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
26 She had declared that Edwin must henceforward run the Ashwell estates , as if he had already come into his inheritance .
27 She had been instrumental in putting him in touch with Liza although , as things had turned out , he could not help thinking that it might have been better if he had never bumped into her that day in Piccadilly .
28 The newsreader would have achieved the same effect if he had suddenly broke into song .
29 I am married , but I have somehow slipped into an affair with a man at our local squash club .
30 But he had since matured into an above average soldier and technician , talented , willing and desperate not to leave the army .
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