Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be [v-ing] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Many firms will visit the university or college where you are studying to talk to you about training with them and many others will provide information about themselves .
2 Although the ostler 's evening meal was almost ready to be served , the Burford constable asked him to accompany him to Handley Farm , where he was going to talk to Seb , and the two men walked along the road deep in conversation .
3 When your mother dies you do n't know where to go or what 's going to happen to you .
4 I did n't care where I was going or what was going to happen to me .
5 ‘ It constitutes an element of credibility for the multi-annual plan that I am going to submit to our shareholder in order to consolidate our recovery . ’
6 You 'll be pleased to know dad , that I am going to go to the tomorrow night .
7 I have a very vague idea of what this terrible crime is that I 'm trying to get to the bottom of , that you have rats in the basement of your best hotel , or you know , there 's a house falling down somewhere and you 've done absolutely nothing about a closing order , any of these kind of things , but I do n't know a lot about it .
8 Erm other than that I 'm going to write to .
9 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
10 Er erm I 'm sorry it is the question now that I 'm going to come to was going back to organisation how often does the board meet ? and who does it regard as ?
11 The reason I 'm asking is that I 'm attempting to get to the games coming up against Norwich at home and Liverpool away .
12 Max had heard from his office that I was seeking to speak to him and his friendly response was to telephone me himself .
13 I assure my hon. Friend that I was going to come to that issue , which is important .
14 Once he 'd found out that I was applying to go to art school he opened up quite a bit and we began to talk .
15 She says that she 's going to go to the doctor tomorrow to get treatment
16 The other thing that tends to throw people the first time they every do ad advocacy is that you 're going to talk to somebody who will not talk to you , who will not s possibly even smile at you , who wo n't give you the usual feedback that we 're u that we 're used to when we 're talking to someone .
17 Whatever it might be for you , but something that you 're going to have to be thinking about , and while you 're thinking about that you can not be thinking about work .
18 Now , sit down , pen down please , you want to listen , now to do this , no fidgeting pens should be down and you should be concentrating there are going to be three pieces of writing done by people your age and a bit older , that you are going to listen to .
19 Above all , make an effort not to develop psychological reactions to chemicals — never assume that you are going to react to a chemical just because you have in the past .
20 Otherwise it is unlikely that you are going to keep to the diet for very long .
21 You take more care with something that you are going to show to other people .
22 It was a good place to play : there was always a chance that you were going to transfer to a big West End theatre .
23 cos they 're not X directory if we can get hold of the number , er so she 's going to say to her could she do it any quicker and I said well the woman said if she could do it any quicker she would ring me , she asked for me phone number .
24 Yeah , so she 's going to come to me on the bus on the twenty third .
25 We 're quite content that we 're going to have to er put before the local plan system the the countervailing issues and the weight that 's given to the countryside through E two is appropriate in the circumstances .
26 No , no but I mean , th there 're so many issues that we are trying to get to grips with we have to actually communicate it to people and say well this is
27 As she started up the steps , he was following her , telling her , ‘ The latest news I have is that they 're planning to return to Olbia today .
28 You 're not serious that they 're going to go to nothing could always go down a hundred .
29 And in fact any response is probably going to be negative to that , because they did such bad read-out when they read the thing that they 're going to want to be pretty snotty , sort of , anything they wrote about that .
30 One has been to include cognitive processes in the list of functions that they are trying to relate to particular brain regions or systems .
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