Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be [adj] [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 In pigs on free range the problem is greater , and where there is serious ascariasis it may be necessary to discontinue the use of paddocks for several years , since the eggs can survive cultivation .
2 For their part , consumes should take reasonable care when making purchases ; where there is small print it should be read carefully or , if it seems complex and the purchase involves a large sum of money , professional advice may be required .
3 Yeah , well I mean , that 's a , that 's a difficult one , inside information , when you get down below the top ranks there are lots of people in the mid mi medium-ranks who would know about insider dealing , and I 'm sure use it .
4 If there is free space it is inserted at the correct node .
5 If there is sufficient space it is possible to choose some people to play leapfrog during the chorus .
6 If there was selective internment it would be for every section of the community , ’ he said .
7 If they are double shifting it 'll be on Monday .
8 If you find some if you realize you 've bought something and it 's faulty return it to the shop who sold it to you as soon as you can .
9 If it 's good share it .
10 If it were straight narrative it would be a Giant , but as a graphic novel its market is greatly reduced .
11 It should n't have done because it was extra funding it should have been left out but they made
12 When it 's individual racism it 's bad , but when it 's organised that 's the real threat , ’ said Huma .
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