Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [subord] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Because of high setting-up charges , you will get little or nothing if you surrender your policy in the first two or three years .
2 You do it there they only charge fifteen is it or something if they do it .
3 get my face slapped or something if I do it wrong !
4 Do you really enjoy the company of the person who is supposed to be accompanying you , or do you merely tolerate him or her because you feel you have no other choice ?
5 ‘ Ring for Sister or myself if you need us . ’
6 So do n't ring up complaining that your kids were sort of er abused or whatever if you let them out .
7 For the first three days of her monthly period she is segregated in a solitary place and is not allowed to touch anybody or anything lest she pollutes it .
8 I have n't got my coat or anything cos I left it upstairs .
9 Aye I must ask you once you once you had your sort of main tunnels built and your light and then you would start concentrating on your chambers ?
10 The Business Plan goes back with the letter because they will require a copy of the business plan so that they when they see you at three , six , twelve and eighteen months
11 But Jane insists she 's still a Gazza fan … and that no-one would be happier than her if he put his troubles behind him and established himself as the best , as well as the most talked about , footballer in the world .
12 I think she 's a bit upset , I think she thinks I 'm better , I 'm better than her because I beat her in that , and I think she 's , a bit of shock for her .
13 They had sent round a circular to all members asking them to mention John whenever possible in their reports on the Middle East ; they had helped organize a petition among all members and accompanied Chris and me when we delivered it to the Iranian Embassy and Downing Street to mark John 's six hundredth day in December .
14 This was certainly the case with Mrs S. , the mother of one of my teenage informants , born in rural Jamaica about 1930 , who moved to London about 1960 : I 've never work — I 've never really work when I was back in de West Indies my husband work , I worked when I came over here and I [ took a long time ] to get a job — because I could remember work at de Post Office and I when I pronounce my words you know too [ soft ] dey say dey do n't hunderstand — according to dem dey do n't hunderstand me , my haccent maybe it 's my haccent or what dey don " understan " it or ting an " I feel like I 'm speakin " the same English like over here .
15 you know , how that change has taken place and I as I say we we were we were compared to some we were well off , we 'd got a tap in the house.So many people had n't even got a tap they were in the yard , and that tap was shared by a dozen families .
16 Because that means they 're gon na be iffy on the phone gon na be iffy in everything they do and I as you know I have you know I 'm gon na take a flier with you .
17 if I if I let her know who 're the people I who are the people involved who had it .
18 I mean I 've even though about if I if I tell you this and you think that 's it 's going to put you you just even if you pass it on to somebody what I 'm telling you pass it on , but just and I 'll try and get the dental treatment where I can get the dental treatment .
19 erm assume you do so if I if you know what three fours are
20 only thing if I if you do it
21 He remembers the world before it became his world and himself before he became his self .
22 They believe that it is possible for man , and that it is indeed his highest intellectual and emotional task , to survey his own being , to call into the forefront of his mind every attitude and habit of mind , of emotion , of passion and feeling , to penetrate down beneath these superficial layers , to deeper and deeper and ever more tranquil , untroubled generalized forms of the self , until eventually you come within sight of some inner absolutely undisturbed pool which every person has within himself , and which if he finds it removes him finally from the distracting passions of ordinary life , and with this rider , that in proportion as you get there and find this thing , this true self within yourself , you find that it is n't just something subjective and peculiar to you , it is something identical with the world , so that in solving your own problems in one sense , you do it by transcending your ordinary nature .
23 Cos she cos she likes them songs she loves them .
24 So if you if you get them talking about something and they actually get talking about it
25 I find I 've found that if you if you get it like that just , you know delete it .
26 And he 'll be do a very good show rather a shy man but he will And that will be that will be rather technical if I know Adrian , but if you if you like he 's that 's the time to come .
27 When we got that , when we had ours it , and er they said if you if you found someone else who would like who would have cold shield you would get er , seventy five pounds back .
28 When we got that , when we had ours and er they said if you if you found someone else who would like who would have you would get seventy five pounds back and you gave the thing , who was it who was thinking about it ?
29 The the point Peter er is making is do n't make it out to us because if you if you give me a cheque to Worsley I 've got to go to Peter 's house and and then get him to give me a cheque and then I 've got to go to either Kerry or Bob and get them
30 There are additional contributions with the Prudential and you could if you if you wanted you could also pay free standing A B Cs through erm a company of your own choosing .
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