Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb base] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Equation ( 7.6 ) assumes that we know what the UK and US inflation rates will be over the course of the year .
32 ‘ Mrs Shakespeare , ’ said the interviewer , ‘ now that we know what the terrorists are asking in return for your son 's life , has your view of the situation changed ? ’
33 Given that artists such as Sonia Boyce , Brenda Agard and Jennifer Comrie were first brought to a wider public 's notice in these exhibitions curated by Lubaina , it is not surprising that we owe her a debt which , given the current backlash against Blackwomen 's Creativity , we fear that we may never be able to repay .
34 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
35 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
36 We face real threats internationally from pollution , over-population , from famine , from nuclear accidents and from the collapse of an unjust world economic order which means we take more money from the poor than we lend them every year . ’
37 Although I 've no doubt you know better than we do what the opposition are
38 We 're on the same pitch then , so we give them a game and that would apply in the Premier League . ’
39 The trouble about that is , it 's now enforced upon us and that 's official target , we have to set priority of fire certificates because we need the money , bluntly , otherwise we have to find it elsewhere , so we give them a priority that they would n't otherwise have .
40 on and that way you can find out who the candidates are , and once we know who the candidates are we can start going out and seeing if they have public meetings or whatever .
41 Once we grant ourselves the licence to collect the physical artefacts of software , there remain , at least at first sight , respects in which software is both like , and unlike , traditional museum objects .
42 So we teach our daughters that er , er , the first and foremost duty they have to perform in life is to like after your husband and elders and bring up the family , and the economical side , contribution from the er female is secondary , although they claim it a part as well , erm as economically as well .
43 My mum and dad deny that they make them a brew , but when I get home there 's usually 20 dirty cups outside the door . ’
44 And I think that there 's a massive problem that needs to be addressed , and I think we should involve those people themselves , also in looking at what the issues are , it 's all very well for people to decide , workers to think that they know what the issues are .
45 that they hold one every Sunday in the football
46 ‘ If we comb through our stories and one encounters with wild whales and dolphins , we find that they seem to hang together along a shining thread — that whales and dolphins know what they are doing , that their actions are purposeful , and stunningly specific to the occasion , that they intend us no harm , that they are aware .
47 But you can see that er for someone who has no , a wife who has no income and her husband 's paying twenty five percent or forty percent then by moving a , say er twenty thousand at erm well er whatever percentage to fill up these allowances er if you 're getting ten thousand or twenty thousand put , put it into the wife 's name that they give us the interest is then hers , if she has no other income it neatly can be swallowed up by the allowance .
48 Safety validation of contractors was another item th that they give you a briefing of the meeting
49 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
50 It 's part of the school 's job to convince parents that they want what the school wants and values .
51 I do n't know how they can make mistakes like that they send you a letter one minute and then on your rent book 's different .
52 Good grief it must cost them a fortune to erm you know , pay for all these then , so they give you the Walkman to , while you 're doing this and they give you the batteries , tt
53 They had to do the lot so they give us an invoice , we took it in to insurance and they 're gon na write a cheque , deduct it off that thing
54 One day I suggested to my father that he buy me a pair of binoculars .
55 He did n't want to know anything he wanted to drive the crane so he give me a start .
56 Now , while I 'm the nation 's most inefficient gardener , I have visited more allotment sites than the pollution-control technician , and I know what a fetish most plot-holders make of composting , for very sound reasons of economy as well as ecology .
57 I agree with everything that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said today , and I wish him every success at Maastricht .
58 And I wish you every success in your project too .
59 Good night , miss , and I wish you the compliments of the season , I 'm sure ! ’
60 DAYFLOWER a strong finishing fifth in the Newmarket 1000 gns , may find conditions more to her liking at the Curragh tomorrow and I make her the selection for the Irish ‘ 1000 ’ .
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