Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 where you have done everything in half an hour .
2 Erm like any job you have your ups and your downs , it 's very nice when you see people getting better or you 've followed somebody through their pregnancy and they 've got a lovely bouncy baby at the end of it and sometimes it 's sad when you find out that somebody has got a serious illness or you 're looking after people where somebody has died and it , it 's very hard for the people left behind to cope and so that 's very difficult sometimes .
3 This mourning cleanses us of our false expectations and superficialities , where we try to flatten everything into a manageable world in which we are in charge .
4 according towards the under revelation he talks about how these , these dumb idols and these pieces of gold have got nothing in them and that 'd be way in which the , the ones would be caught out , because of these gold or whatever have got nothing in them you see .
5 It makes me feel pleased that I 've achieved something in my chosen career . ’
6 Now you think that because I am I am forgiven and I preach forgiveness that I would be pretty good as up people , but that 's part of my human failure and I must admit that I 've given plenty of opportunity to practice at home and at work er the opportunity to forgive , but it does n't come easily and certainly it is n't a strong feature of the non-Christian world in which I work and which you will be working soon .
7 Doreen said : ‘ I 've been really lucky in that I 've enjoyed everyone of my 34 years with the company .
8 With the er , erm , was it years before that I 've had something like forty or thirty five
9 I certainly would not like to do without my own sound card now that I 've had one for some time , and I 'm seriously considering changing it for a Laserwave Plus , purely because I find its configurability and standard of sound to be better than the one I already have .
10 In fact , I do n't think that I 've mentioned anything since March , but I am not sure that I did anything really productive during April .
11 Not that I 've got anything at all against them getting out and about a bit now , ’ he added hurriedly , not wanting another Grimma on his hands .
12 One wrote that and then said , ‘ It 's not that I 've got anything against my husband , it 's just he 's pig ignorant . ’ ’
13 Not that I 've got anything against them personally .
14 Not that I 've got anything against Sue 's family , mind .
15 Not that I 've got anything against babies .
16 Then he said : ‘ You have been so kind to us that I want to do something for you in return .
17 ‘ I assure you , Mr Tranter , that I have written nothing but the truth , ’ Catherine said quietly .
18 I often think I miss not having someone with whom to share the joys of Dickie , far more than I miss having someone with whom to share my worries .
19 Legato does n't have its own INI file , but a lot of applications do have their own , so I 've created one in C : \WINDOWS ( the usual place ) so that we can enjoy deleting it .
20 I was a fanatical record collector ; I 've got six to seven thousand records so I 've got plenty of places to look for ideas .
21 no they 'll think that you 've nicked one from the Co-Op wo n't they ?
22 But what does that prove , except that you 've learned something about farming since you 've lived in Swinbrook ? ’
23 What with some villains that will only go to houses with something like that , because they think , they see that you 've got something worth having .
24 you 're not feeling that you 've got lots of little isolated subjects and lots of little isolated topics and it 's all building up and it 's all a lot it is a lot ,
25 I mean Carole said earlier , it 's a question of eventually making your mind up that you want to do something about it , but then professionals are maybe there to assist .
26 Erm , could I ask you to just share with us briefly , er , not in great detail , but , just a few words about what it is that you want to influence somebody about .
27 ‘ You say that you have heard nothing from him — as regards the future marriage , that is ?
28 But perhaps the greatest satisfaction is the knowledge that you have created something of the beauty that is going to be there for many years .
29 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
30 Do n't believe that you have to understand everything about Christianity before you can start explaining what you believe to your friends .
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