Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] is [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just to quickly assess that we were n't going forward to erm a horrible situation where er one of us or somebody else is going to be injured , so there would have been a very , very quick check to see who or what was in the room .
2 The traditional explanation is that all mothers with colicky babies — regardless of what sort of people they are or what else is happening in their lives — suddenly become more confident and relaxed at this point .
3 So far as can be judged , the water supply was so poor that by September 1908 a Consulting Engineer was brought in to examine the problem although nothing further is recorded on the subject .
4 There are other factors that recommend elimination , not least being the fact that everyone else is moving in the same direction ; so if British car makers want to sell their vehicles abroad , as surely they must , they must make car engines that run without lead .
5 If you examine the way people are behaving you may discover that someone else is acting as unofficial leader .
6 Kronberger 's triumph on the Morzine downhill was a reminder that she alone is winning in every discipline .
7 A sound that more than anything else is rooted in the excitement of the live arena rather than the cut 'n' mix ethics of the studio .
8 A sound that more than anything else is rooted in the excitement of the live arena rather than the cut 'n' mix ethics of the studio .
9 It is not generally recommended that anything else is kept with a Red-tail , as they can be very territorial and aggressive .
10 If someone else is living in your home , for example someone who has been caring for you , this may also mean the value is not taken into account .
11 About this time the Club was given its second trophy and which today is known as the Lovell Bowl .
12 ‘ Would you mind if I followed you back — just to try and see if anybody else is trying to ?
13 The point I 'm going to make is that erm , if we are n't going to get through the year and we 're all going to have to take a percentage of our March allowances because the money 's run out and we 're cash limited even if we give ourselves five percent extra , erm , could I get an assurance from the officers that the people that have n't put in their forms will get a note to remind them to do so , so that everybody is in there , you wo n't suddenly find that because you have n't had your claim form in by the fourteenth you 're gon na get nothing and everybody else is gon na get something .
14 The only sexually active male , the wasp-sized king , stays alongside her and he too is fed by the workers .
15 Another one is advertised as a ’ sabretooth survival saw ’ and it again is said to be able to pass unnoticed through metal detectors .
16 Oblige , like force , evokes more than merely producing an effect and it too is followed by the to infinitive : ( 164 ) … servants , whom he had obliged to accompany him .
17 ‘ I 've been pestered by reporters for days , and it really is getting on my nerves . ’
18 For preference , this should be the bedroom , but there should be comfortable chairs , a table , and whatever else is needed for everyday living .
19 ELSE is evaluated , FALSE=0 and anything else is considered to be TRUE .
20 A confrontation with the child can work when food is offered at regular meal-times and if it is refused it is thrown away but nothing else is offered in its place .
21 But nothing else is needed in the way of a ground to make these activities somehow justifiable .
22 His father , according to Anthony Wood , was a shoemaker of Hereford , but nothing further is known of his parents , or of the date and place of his birth .
23 The verses seem to be saying that the disciples understand because they have been given the secrets of the mystery of the kingdom but everybody else is taught in parables so that it will confuse them and prevent them coming into the kingdom .
24 But what else is trapped in your ebony and ivory throat and troubling your eyes to the brim of tears ? ’
25 He sits whispering to his neighbours while someone else is speaking in the debate .
26 In my Hip and Thigh Diet eggs are not allowed because they contain fat in the yolk , whilst one occasionally is allowed in this programme .
27 Erm never got to what , what your annual salary was at all , you just said thirty five pounds was take home pay erm confidentiality yeah you 'll be able to sign it but that does n't give confidence as to whether anybody else is gon na see it
28 If Collimore do n't score it does n't really look as though anybody else is going to .
29 These are very important services and they are placed , just like care in the community will be , when it eventually is put into practice .
30 These are very important services and they are placed , just like care in the community will be , when it eventually is put into practice .
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