Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Next came a stomach-churning visit to the Snake Temple , where I actually held a snake very briefly , but drew the line at having it photographed around my neck !
2 Liz has been appointed customer services manager with Skipton Building Society , where she previously held a management post in the commercial lending department .
3 Subsequently he built a house in the country for a wealthy barrister ( Hurtwood in Sussex ) and another in the Usk Valley ( Colomendy ) , where he also displayed a talent for garden design ( 1912–14 ) .
4 He scraped through the Eton of Dr Edmond Warre [ q.v. ] , under the particular care of Arthur Benson [ q.v. ] , his housemaster , without distinction , but in 1902 gained a first class in modern history at Balliol College , Oxford , where he also made a reputation for himself as a roof-climber , despite his blindness .
5 A good all rounder Chris is a member of the Cockermouth Round Table where he recently organised a trip for 90 old age pensioners to the lakes .
6 Singer went to the Jews ' College School , London , where he subsequently became a teacher .
7 When David led the little group out onto the street , where he quickly hailed a Hansom cab , Cissie had linked arms with Beth , and was walking tall and proud like a ‘ young lady ’ should .
8 With an oath the Weasel hurled the time-teller far out into the heather , where it possibly hit a stone .
9 And although I infinitely preferred a walk across the corner of the field to the privy by the duck pond , to the four flights of stairs I had to descend at Reine , with a com-munal Turkish crouch at the end of it , I wondered how Otto would adjust to outside facilities .
10 Even the fact that I finally found a trickle of scummy water , which let me rinse some of the filth from my boots , did nothing to lift my spirits .
11 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
12 His ring record alone demanded the attention of the BBBC and he believed that : ‘ It was through public opinion that I eventually got a title .
13 Under the circumstances then , perhaps it was wisely ordered that I never found a man to form that special relationship .
14 I admit that I once cared a hell of a lot about my appearance , but I 've changed . ’
15 I explained to her that I only had a couple of quid to my name , but I 'd be willing to pay off the rest before six months were up .
16 It seems odd , but I was enjoying myself so much that I hardly gave a thought to the fact that we were alone , miles away from anyone , and that the average man in such a situation …
17 It was while I was attending Sally Carmichael 's dancing class that I accidentally entered a beauty contest — the local Working Men 's Club where we practised was running a ‘ Queen of Sheffield Working Men 's Clubs ’ contest .
18 The only bureau to ‘ fail ’ our test was The Last Word — we can only assume that someone simply had a brainstorm and left all the important bits out .
19 There is a story that someone once shot a piece out of a glass of beer he had left behind the target , leaving the rest of the glass and the beer intact .
20 ‘ On the sleeve of the first record it was meant to say just Therapy , but I started the logo too far over to the left — and we only had enough money for one sheet of Letraset — I could n't start again , so I just added a question mark to make it fit .
21 I knew that would be your question so I immediately radioed a request for that information . ’
22 There were sometimes dangerous people near Haworth , so I always had a gun in the house .
23 Although it took a while and I crashed a couple of times , once I even knocked a dam down with a kite .
24 I have seen many cartoons of American grandmothers in rocking chairs on their front porches and am always reminded of Mrs. Burden , although she never had a clay pipe in her mouth .
25 And on the very day when she had woken up and decided to divorce him , to celebrate the fact that she finally had a life of her own ; a life which did n't include Julius Landor .
26 He said she was an avant-garde feminist who — when he first met her — was proud of the fact that she already had a child whose father no one knew .
27 Her dark red suit , and the shoulder bag that swung carelessly , indicated that she also had a trip to town in view .
28 ‘ No , ’ she denied numbly , a hectic flush along her cheekbones , because she had just discovered that she also needed a man she could fight with , cross swords with .
29 I went out and bought a remedy , thinking it was an infection , but when I got home I realised that she actually had a piece of red coloured gravel stuck inside her mouth , so that she could n't close it properly .
30 The fact that she actually arrived a week after the Jubilee is a trifling historical detail unlikely to mar the magnificence of the concept .
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