Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
2 These should include an indication of how the participants of the consensus group were selected and whether their conclusions were based on their original research or their interpretation of the available literature .
3 Sociologists who lend their names or their work to a particular social policy are engaging in a political act ; they can not escape by saying that the use of their work to justify a particular social policy ( even if they did not advocate that policy ) is not their concern .
4 With Shearer in this form , it will be a brave man who bets against Rovers in either this competition or their bid for the Premier League title .
5 It is not our intention here to debate the merits of these models , or their relation to the General Theory .
6 It is often viewed as attractive because the base is that which individuals consume ( or their revenue from the economic system ) rather than a reflection of what they contribute , i.e. income .
7 If a teacher at the time of appointment has agreed to play a part in the larger framework and in the long-term plan for a school , the head will after a time weigh up the capacity of the new colleague to add his or her contribution to the larger task .
8 Although there is a powerful chain reaction or ‘ knock-on ’ effect , each individual is personally responsible for his or her decision within the total group dynamic .
9 Remember , if the buyer is borrowing on the security of a mortgage of the registered property , that the buyer is not yet the registered proprietor , and accordingly a land charges search in bankruptcy on the appropriate land charges form should be made against the buyer on behalf of his or her mortgagee in the unregistered Land Charges Register .
10 Those who saw the 30 yard putt she holed stone dead at the eighth , or her playing of the 18th , where she hit a glorious seven iron to ten feet before holing for her birdie , could be forgiven for wondering what on earth she was talking about .
11 This is not to suggest that today 's B Ed student is less competent than his or her counterpart of the 1950s or early 1960s .
12 Whilst the pupil agrees to be polite , attend punctually , behave considerately and ask for permission before leaving the premises the staff agree to provide specific curricular inputs requested by the pupil and to secure a place for him or her back in an orthodox school .
13 The additional assessment will normally take place towards the end of a general SVQ programme , so that the candidate is best placed to show his or her ability across the whole programme .
14 For example , a Marxist perspective would be likely to view the individual 's relation to the means of production as a more relevant determinant of attitude and behaviour ( including linguistic behaviour ) than his or her position in a stratified society .
15 The employee then puts his or her case in a similar manner .
16 If the assisted party is unsuccessful , his or her liability to the Legal Aid Board is limited to the amount of his or her contribution and , in that respect , the Board bears the financial risk of litigation .
17 Variants include : Italian tweak — In Italy and Belgium , you can either chose the list of candidates your party has preselected for you , or tick your favourite and tweak his or her name up the preselected list .
18 Under regulations introduced in 1982 , any overseas visitor who falls sick and requires treatment other than in an accident or emergency will be charged for his or her treatment on a special scale of charges reflecting the ‘ full cost ’ of the care .
19 And if a Palestinian Arab fled his or her home during the 1948 fighting for an area controlled by Arab forces — even though the individual did not in any way participate in the war — Israeli law effectively deprived the owners of their homes and lands .
20 Look at the lists of sportsmen and women beside this voting form and from each category pick the person you believe has been the top performer in his or her sport over the past 12 months .
21 We wished to share our story , in much the same way that one might tug a friend 's arm and call his or her attention to a striking landscape , or a spectacular sunset .
22 Too frequent use of promotions can mean that a salesperson directs his or her attention to the one product involved and neglects other products in the product line .
23 Most important of all , to ensure that a school 's management plan makes a difference at the level of classroom management , there has to be an assessment of the extent to which the quality of individual children 's work is affected by an individual teacher 's classroom management and by his or her adoption of the relevant part of the school plan .
24 The purpose of RE is to help them genuinely to reflect upon religion , opening up for them the possibility of a self-chosen and real commitment , religious or otherwise , so that the individual can freely play his or her role in the wider community , whether this be the faith community or society as a whole .
25 Thus , by increased understanding and by positive action , the sufferer is helped to accept his or her right to an appropriate place in the world , no more but also no less .
26 Each player is separated from his or her partner by a tall screen placed diagonally across the table to restrict their communication .
27 Probation … is a test or trial of the character of a convicted offender under suspension of judgment , in order that the court may determine if the probationer be fit to retain his or her place as a helpful member of society , or being unfit , must be deprived of his or her liberty as a menace to society .
28 The education officer will also pitch his or her talk at a suitable level for the age group concerned , something that is not always achieved by an ordinary guide .
29 I suggested , as a very moderate compromise , that any aggrieved applicant could ask for a review of his or her file by the incumbent Chairman of the Bar .
30 And the self same people who shake their heads and utter these remarks are the ones who will be heading off to the Med or Florida on their holidays next year , doubtless piloted there by someone up front who began his or her career on a little grass strip flying those little aeroplanes that look so flimsy .
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