Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb -s] [to-vb] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 A family with more than one child may be so chaotic at meal-times that the mother is too pre-occupied with feeding the youngest that she fails to see what is happening with the others .
2 In the roaring contests , both individuals increase the rate of roaring until one seems to recognise it is outclassed and retreats .
3 Mr , hello I 've had a quick word with Mike and he seems to think there 's some correspondence on the file , I 'll have to go and find the file and get back to you , so , er you , I have n't got your , your phone number there I do n't think , er I only had your fax number right , I 'll get back as soon as I can , thank you bye bye .
4 But it needs to know it is getting better . ’
5 Because he likes to see what 's going on all the time .
6 The impossibility of becoming aware of another 's inwardness without a readiness to let myself feel as he does is plain when someone tries to communicate what is inside his head .
7 Indeed , mere preservation is no longer thought to require justification ; every local history society thinks it has an unanswerable case when it seeks to protect what is left of the past .
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