Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb -s] [pron] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 I 've learned to live with it , because if it looks horrid , or someone tells me it 's horrid , I wo n't read it .
2 — imagine that something drives one on , a clear vision , that one knows what one is doing .
3 Shirley knows that everybody knows who she is .
4 It is often said that one of the problems with antiracism is that it knows what it is against , but not what it is for .
5 And unless he speaks in a very odd way we take it for granted that he knows what he is saying .
6 The Profitboss profits from the facts , convincing his customers , suppliers , colleagues and team alike that he knows what he 's talking about , that his conclusions and recommendations are based on solid evidence rather than unsubstantiated opinion .
7 Another thing about Steven Hughes Conference is that he knows what he 's talking about , on on shop floor iss issues like health and safety and those colleagues who were present at the launch of the G M B's National Health and Safety Campaign will confirm that especially the way he described the Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Executive .
8 Said it 's not very good publicity if nobody knows what it is is it ?
9 If nobody knows who it is .
10 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
11 In these circumstances a PRO who has a good camera and who knows what he is doing may decide to take publicity shots of local events and newsworthy items such as new employees , new sports facilities or retirement presentations .
12 She tells me that when she was a nippy ( of course I say what 's a nippy and she tells me it 's a waitress ) the worst sin the girls could commit , sackable instantly , was to whirl the pencils which were attached by string to their aprons .
13 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
14 She 's not a fool , and she knows what she 's dealing with . ’
15 If you , if you were the patient you might say it 's wrong because erm she does n't look like she knows what she 's doing or there 's a mistake or something gets missed .
16 But she looks as if she knows what she 's doing .
17 If she wants whatever it is she gets out of this relationship , no one can deny she 's entitled to it .
18 But if she invests it she 's , she 's , she 's going to get an income is n't she ?
19 Not if he 's in the area , and everything tells me he is . ’
20 In fact , Wordsworth 's position begins to look surprisingly consistent , if one considers what he is against ; he is prepared to use any weapon to attack liberal commercial values and the new affluent middle class .
21 He thinks I 'm a tramp , she thought , almost dispassionately , and he hates what he 's done , hates the way sexual desire 's lured him , tricked him .
22 And he tells me it 's quite easy his little boy of three can pronounce it quite easily .
23 Ingard just gives him instructions , and he does what he 's told without any explanations .
24 In ‘ The Cross Match ’ he argues with his doctor , who fails to appreciate Carkesse 's thesis that violence is justified in a good cause , and he defies anyone who is in any way concerned with his incarceration .
25 But he 's got all the charts and he knows what he 's doing .
26 These days are assuredly gone , for contemporary society , as Cosmo ( Matthew Wait ) declares , is based on ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ and he knows what he 's talking about .
27 He seems sensible and rather nice and he knows what he is talking about .
28 Get worried if he tells you it 's very good .
29 No he 's , he 's , he 's just out to impress people , I mean he looks around to see if you 're watching him and he 'll erm no , yeah he 's acting the whole time , I do n't really , I do n't know if he knows who he is you know ?
30 Cos it gets you it 's summat different .
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