Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] never [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In some early drafts Raskolnikov commits suicide , and the striking thing here is that it 's never suggested he does so out of remorse or because he thinks he 's going to get caught or even from some vaguer , larger self-loathing .
2 And she lays all on top of the all on top of the dressing ta and she 's never done it before has she ?
3 And he 's never forgiven her . ’
4 him in the face and he 's never liked them since .
5 ‘ I played him in many positions and he 's never let us down .
6 And it 's never hurt me hard work .
7 This child had been asked to look at his foot carefully ‘ as if he 's never seen it before ’ .
8 And how he can afford match fees or anything , cos he 's never paid us a penny , I du n no , but
9 It must be twisted or summat cos it 's never done it before when I 've been in with the you know , to go bingo .
10 But she 's never hurt her before , not like this . ’
11 My Dad s always talking about trying a windmill , but he 's never managed it yet , so it 's home-made tallow candles in the winter , to save the electricity .
12 But it 's never held me back in any way .
13 She says that she usually watches them on the River Thames , she 's travelled to Gloucestershire because she 's never seen them nesting before .
14 I 'm merely curious , since he 's never mentioned you , and you show such an unflinching determination to interfere in his life . ’
15 And — though she 's never met him — he 's the only one of whom she 's reluctant to speak .
16 I said he wanted some of his favourite French wine — there 's an envoy from the Chancellor in with him to-night , so it rang true enough , even though he 's never sent me to bring it before . ’
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