Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or you may be making transitions from one point to another that do not follow in logical sequence , not building on what you already know .
2 Or you 'll be paying damages for the rest of your life ! ’
3 This means that even if the applicant has standing , has made the application in good time , and can establish that the respondent has acted illegally , he or she may be denied relief if the court thinks , for some reason , that relief should not be granted .
4 The current emphasis upon ‘ empowerment ’ , and the belief that ‘ the more self-empowered a person becomes , the more able he or she will be to enable others to be the same ’ ( Fenton and Hughes 1989 : 19 ) , is effecting a shift in approach generally , and in my own personal practice , from a passive model of students .
5 In the first case , the conveyance should be prepared and executed in triplicate ( or there should be examined copies ) so that the original is held by the first mortgagee , the husband has a record of the indemnity and release given and the second mortgagee also has a record of the transfer .
6 Butler , Newman and Blougram might be considered agnostics according to Ayer 's definition , or they might be considered theists .
7 This could involve simple , everyday tasks like making beds or serving meals , or it could be planning activities and supervising them .
8 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use , I talked the matter over with my agent .
9 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use .
10 Teachers were told that I would be observing pupil communication but the exact focus was not specified .
11 ‘ Only that I 'll be eating lunch in about an hour 's time , ’ he said .
12 " Scholarship , art and philosophy " , Nietzsche had presciently written nearly two years earlier , " are now growing inside me so much that I 'll be giving birth to centaurs one day . "
13 So as they continued on through the trees to the fort at Ballingolin , with the blackbirds chittering and the smoke from turf fires coming from the farmhouse inside the castle walls , Gerald Hussey broke the news to his daughter that she would be leaving Ireland .
14 At this Maria Candida , who had been listening on the stairs , let out a wail of joy at the thought that she would be seeing Portugal again ; Leonora went to embrace her daughter and whisper her blessings , while Gerald , who knew when he was beaten and was never any good in emotional situations , announced that he had important business in the castle yard , and would return as soon as he had attended to it .
15 Collections Curator Lisa Dennison has been playing with possibilities but told The Art Newspaper that she would be placing Brancusi with Robert Ryman and that the exhibition would include Kandinsky .
16 As the hon. Gentleman has said , Mrs. X has indicated that she may be taking proceedings further , so it would be most improper for me to go into too much detail on this case .
17 It did n't bother him in the least that she might be missing Arnie .
18 She explains that she will be taking part in the next activity .
19 We are glad that she will be revisiting college when she comes to direct archaeological investigations at nearby Eynsham .
20 Solicitors acting for the Princess of Wales have demanded that secret photographs of her working out in a gym should be handed over and that she should be given details of how much money was made from them .
21 Now I know in some of the newspapers today it 's been suggested that you would be doing sort of long distance surgery as it were , but that 's not the case ?
22 On a first tank you may choose to cut cables to length and glue the cable tidy to the side of the tank — however as you get more experienced and acquire more tanks you often realise that you 'll be moving kit about a lot , and leave the full length of cable in place on the item so that it 's more adaptable .
23 ‘ You cut this one short ’ — he jabbed my chest again — ‘ and I 'll cut you so short that you 'll be singing falsetto . ’
24 Hard work , but worth it for the feeling that you might be helping producers to realise that there is a discerning market out there , and not one that reacts blindly to the word ‘ organic ’ .
25 ‘ And did n't it even once cross your mind that you might be doing harm ? ’
26 One good reason for studying with a massage school is that you will be taught anatomy and physiology as well as useful techniques for alleviating pain , dealing with injuries , understanding why pain may be occurring in a particular area and even more importantly , when to leave well alone .
27 Fired off in rapid succession questions merely sound like an inquisition with the result that you will be creating anxiety , not ideas .
28 If you are starting work on a language for which no phonological analysis has previously been done , it is obvious that you will be transcribing words with phonetic script .
29 I would think that you should be wearing Lovat s tartan by this time ? ’
30 Okay so you 'll be doing angles and things like that .
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