Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] have take [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many hundred meeting places were at ancient sites in the landscape like barrows or stones , where they could have taken place for millennia , while others were at places which had other functions as well , such as centres of royal or ecclesiastical estates which coincided with hundredal arrangements .
2 It froze again that night and everybody guessed that by morning his twisted icy body with its pathetic malformation was lying at the bottom of some gulley , where he would have taken cover from the snow and the wind .
3 At the end of it there 's the chance that we may have to take action ; we 'd take that very much as a last resort , and we hope our customers will respond without the necessity for fines or prosecutions .
4 Since Kirsty had been feeling quite confident before the operation and yet that feeling had disappeared immediately after surgery , it seemed that something must have taken place in the theatre itself .
5 And you 'll have to take time to do Terry .
6 In the chapters which follow , we discuss the constructional meanings that they contribute to the language ; there are also one or two minor structures to be introduced later , and we shall have to take note of certain cases where apparently identical sequences of surface syntax correspond to different intensional patterns .
7 Erm Mr introduced the the the the the prospect that erm if they 'd have taken migration over the last three years , it would have been a much reduced figure .
8 Irina 's brother was a member of the Navy Board , and he must have taken pleasure in sowing any seed which was likely to grow into a further barrier between father and son .
9 point , okay that was a bit of wide ball but I might have taken offence at that .
10 Summing up on the first and second reasons , it is evident that the main objection to Article 86 legislation is that business does not relish the prospect of fines for abuse of monopoly power , because it would have to take competition policy more seriously in future .
11 I 'm not sure whether he would have taken action against me if I had realised I was already in his book .
12 The tragedy is , we 've done nothing about the exclusive reliance on interest rates , we 've done nothing about the continuing erosion of jobs , and particularly so in the regions , er and this government has er wasted the summer months ; when it could have taken action it has merely compounded the problems that are of it 's own creation in the mismanagement of the economy .
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