Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] get a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Also , there was a pleasant inn about a quarter of a mile away where I could get a room if the tide — in the way of tides — served at some merciless hour of the early morning .
2 This is a good exercise to practise if you are sitting in a restaurant or on a train journey — but do n't let your chosen subject catch you staring or you might get a reaction you had n't bargained for !
3 It 's to keep you invested in building societies , only they , they 're frantic because all the money 's going out and they want to keep their erm their erm deposits up , so they 're offering these schemes , and they are quite good , there are no charges as such , but er you 'll get the value of the fund that they 've made , or you 'll get a say two or three percent bonus per annum on top of the er share rate , er if you keep it for four or five years .
4 Or you could get a life instead .
5 ‘ I 'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might get a bit of it to strengthen the squad . ’
6 A curate at St Luke 's , an older man from the West Indies , almost persuaded my parents to let me go out to Codrington College in the West Indies , but my headmaster was firm against this , expressing the hope that I might get a scholarship to an English university .
7 I knew that I would get a lift on a boat going up the canal .
8 Next morning over breakfast I decide to go back into Þingeyri to catch a plane back to Ísafjöđ3ur in the hope that I can get a boat or bus from there .
9 When I played , people who heard what I was doing and liked it recommended that I should get a Precision , which I eventually did , but I could n't seem to get enough of my own playing character to come through with it .
10 ‘ I 've worked for fourteen years in this business and I 've been given to understand that I should get a partnership one day . ’
11 They said it was out of date and that I should get a Parrot jacket like the one Adam Faith wears on telly .
12 I was right , as the answer was that I should get a reply ’ as soon as possible ’ .
13 I do n't really think that I should get a lot of pleasure out of going to watch croquet tomorrow .
14 Finally I dragged myself away , telling myself that I 'd get a chance to use it properly soon enough .
15 But the highlight of it was that I used to get a ride on the dray and I used he he we used to finish up the round at the bottom of erm Road , and Street .
16 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
17 A fucking pin to kill you , but he wished , this tumbling day , Winnie in the room , that she would get a move on .
18 But he stopped that when there was speculation that she would get a cabinet post if he won .
19 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
20 I spotted unexpected wigs and learned — with surrealistic horror — that you could get a wig on the National Health .
21 it 's just got a bit to cover the pipes , so it just like , sits on the wall , so that you can get a wheelchair underneath .
22 Cut the boards about 6 to 12mm ( ¼ to ½in ) short so that you can get a batten under them to lift them tight up to the ceiling .
23 And I said that 's the reason that you can get a car anytime you want it .
24 Most lay clients assume that you will get a report from their GP , although this is not usually necessary or desirable .
25 I 'll come and put in a couple of hours , so you can get a bit more comfortable . ’
26 Along with scores so far , so you could get a bit of an advantage .
27 He joked : ‘ In England , if you were sent to a rugby league match at Batley on a night you had to park your car on the touch line and leave the headlights on and hope the players would run into the beam of light so you could get a picture .
28 I always held that view and did all I could to press for an election before Christmas in order that we might get a majority large enough to stand the racket . "
29 they can be rung through to you but p erm will need to be warned that we may get a flood of phone calls
30 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
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