Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wanted him where I could keep an eye on him , ’ said Mr Malik through his hands .
2 no completely void because you ca n't severe the good from the bad in section fourteen , your Lordship could n't take a blue pencil and , and , and find some words in section fourteen which say erm , you know , I can take out an article eighty five claim or I can allow an article eighty five claim but I can leave something else in
3 It was she who eventually recommended that Laura go to a college she knew of — one where she would find an environment supportive of her experience .
4 In the next few days the family will arrange for her to have a check-up at the Royal Manchester Childrens ' Hospital , where she will become an outpatient .
5 Placing her feet carefully , Ace crept around the perimeter of the low scrub that surrounded the hilltop , finally finding a position overlooking the road , where she could keep an eye on whoever was approaching .
6 Once you have a clear idea of the essentials you can decide where to compromise and where you must make an investment .
7 Physical Changes The day after the lesson you may become aware of tensions in some muscles or you may feel an ache where previously you have had no trouble .
8 Alarms can either be rigged up in every room in your house , or you can wear an alarm unit on your person , to activate in times of need .
9 The Environmental Health Department of your local council will advise on removal , or you can send an sae to Asbestos Information Centre
10 Some employers will include an advisory interview or session with the district finance officer or personnel officer in order to work out income tax and superannuation or pension fund arrangements , or you can request an interview if such an offer is not forthcoming .
11 Or you could drive an ambulance . ’
12 Local volunteer schemes may be able to arrange a regular visitor or you could contact an employment agency or advertise for a kindly ‘ sitter ’ .
13 Firstly , he or she will have an understanding of primary care , especially clinical presentations in general practice .
14 However , if the original tenant is sued , the common law provides that he or she can claim an indemnity , providing reimbursement , from the current tenant .
15 Samuel Beckett We want him in a nice jail where we can keep an eye on him .
16 Or one can imagine an experience of beautiful music existing in a void .
17 Let's hope they get him out fast , or we 'll need an anaesthetist . ’
18 The excitement of the exhibition concerns the opportunity to place many works around the park 's lake where they will create an impression quite different to the context of brutal architecture of the Hayward Gallery , or of the European Patent Office in Munich and of other cities for which King has made commissions in recent years .
19 Some want to chat about their problems : their upcoming court cases , where they can get an Aids test , how they can get into drug treatment .
20 Every now and again you 're with somebody who 's putting their foot down and either not anticipating enough or not thinking in enough depth , or they might have an attitude whereby sod it , I 'm just going anyway .
21 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
22 Or he may have an alternative up his sleeve . ’
23 This is not a very palatable view : each of us likes to think that we are ‘ some-body special ’ — which is why each of us accepts intellectually that someday we must die but at a gut level believes that , in our own case , God , Fate or whatever will make an exception .
24 A guide to procedure should be produced so that everyone would have an outline of a desirable order of events and to ensure proper standards of fairness and impartiality .
25 Its principal aim , according to Mellor is that there should be ‘ something for everyone in all parts of the country , and that everyone should have an opportunity to try something new and widen their horizons ’ .
26 The aim is that there should be something for everybody in all parts of the country and that everyone should have an opportunity to try something new and widen their horizons . ’
27 ‘ I thought that I might do an article to celebrate it ; describe the problems they face , and their success in tackling them . ’
28 I decided that I would keep an eye on Tom after that .
29 I had resolved that I would try an alliance with him , persuading him not to create a female creature and helping him to hunt down and exterminate the creature already at large in the world .
30 I told them that I would like an audience with Andropov because I had something very important to discuss with him .
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