Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 WIGAN boss John Monie has warned British rugby league : ‘ Get your act together or you 'll never be world champions . ’
2 She was now faced with an arduous journey into a remote country where there might well be anarchy when Menelik died .
3 In a trial each subject stands to benefit ( though in the event no benefit may arise or there may even be risk of harm ) , but in non-preventive or non-therapeutic research the experimental subject is simply assisting the researcher to obtain biological data — for example , how a particular drug is excreted .
4 Right and wrong must be standardised , or there will always be people who have the burden of guilt complexes .
5 Or it could simply be activity in the digestive tract .
6 ‘ If I knew my future and that I would never be No 1 I think I 'd tell myself to forget it .
7 On the statement emphasising that she could still be Queen , he said : ‘ The situation is very volatile .
8 The unlucky 4–0 defeat at home to Alborne showed great promise for the future and if it had not been a mathematical impossibility since the beginning of October , I would have said that playing like that we should still be promotion contenders .
9 There is no conflict over ends — by definition , disease is an evil — although there may well be conflict over means as evidenced by disputes about ‘ unnecessary ’ medical procedures or operations .
10 Now although there will obviously be occasions when this belief is warranted , when learners are of an age , for example , at which they would not have the capacity or disposition for analytic self-reflection , there seems no good reason for supposing that the belief is universally valid .
11 quick look at the map , the River Ouse conveniently chops Selby district in roughly half , and that there might well be considerations which for the sake of was not okay .
12 Does it mean that there would ordinarily be coal pillars either side .
13 Furthermore , while the effects of events in producing depression were often so rapid that there would scarcely be time to intervene after the event and before depression , major difficulties , by definition , had existed for at least two years , giving ample time for preventive intervention .
14 Dorothea Wilms , minister for intra-German affairs , and Oscar Lafontaine , Social Democrat prime minister of the Saarland ventured to hope that there would soon be changes in East Germany despite the fact that its leader , had not shown the slightest inclination to budge during the 40th anniversary celebrations and talks with the Soviet president .
15 They say that if you take one in five children , that 's twenty per cent of children , that probably eighteen per cent of children with special needs can be dealt with in ordinary schools and that there would still be need for special facilities for the remaining two per cent .
16 Now that humanitarian sea lanes are to be open , does the Foreign Secretary accept that there may also be merit in the British Government promoting the idea of an internationally enforced sky protection zone over Croatia to prevent incursions and the further bombardment of Croatian cities ?
17 The first is that there may well be disagreement as to whether , on analytical grounds , a question should be deemed to be one of law or fact .
18 Recent changes in the party system , however , suggest that there may still be situations in which it may be necessary for the Prerogative of appointment to be exercised in accordance with the independent judgment of the Queen and her advisers .
19 Indeed , comparison of the 1980 and 1985 GHS data suggests that there may indeed be differences between cohorts in the prevalence of chronic health problems .
20 I do n't know , it 's difficult to see that one can make erm , you know , a clear connection if one says well , you know , if the undergraduate is n't sick should we sort of put up with them being particularly rowdy or generally rather offensive , and I think that there could perceivably be problems with attempting to identify , you know , a disciplinary effect offence rather , as lying within the victims .
21 There are such obvious advantages in having access through video to examples of teaching that it is easy to forget that there can also be problems .
22 But Althusser 's example indicates that there can also be contradictions between aspects of one practice , such as the methods of production which are used in urban and in rural districts , between social groups , for example different factions of a ruling class , and between aspects of two societies , such as the contradictions thrown up by foreign policy .
23 The provision as to three months ' notice has to be read with the limitation that there can only be dismissal for good cause .
24 It should not be assumed that there will never be circumstances when , notwithstanding the new CGT rules , someone domiciled and resident in the UK should set up an offshore trust .
25 While he realises that there will always be problems in trying to teach anyone a new subject , Reas admits that it was sad to see a keen student being teased by his less keen classmates , but felt hopeful that perhaps a seed had been planted that one day would grow .
26 In television , it just slips quietly by , but we should hope that there will always be people to run the kind of BBC in which such drama — literate , socially sensitive and lovingly crafted — can be done .
27 Mr Thomas needs to realise that there will always be degrees and levels of wealth and privilege , just as there are for piloting skill .
28 Does he further agree that it is sheer hypocrisy to oppose privatisation in principle and to promise more nationalisation , yet to claim that there will still be privatisation proceeds to spend , as did a Labour Front-Bench Treasury spokesperson this morning ?
29 While I am away please note that there will only be weekday Masses on Monday and Friday .
30 At the Feb. 27 Országgyüles session , one representative called for seats in parliament for minorities , and another proposed that there should also be church representation .
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