Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or I 'll never eat dim-sum with you again . ’
2 Of course there are lots of questions which would have to be sorted out — the difference is the Scottish Education system , & the courses offered , for a start — & you might well have doubts about cutting yourself off from your friends & so forth .
3 Afterwards she will speak on the party 's policy for women at Darlington Arts Centre , where she will also launch Labour 's Woman Today magazine .
4 It 's wonderful — richer and more unctuous — in stuffings or to flavour sauces where you would normally use lemon or lime .
5 Belcher si not a great beer-drinker either , but for Morse and Dexter there 's no better way of ending the day at the pub , one of their favourite haunts is the Kings Arms where you might even get Dexter to admit he might actually share one or two of his creation 's habits .
6 Nowadays , struggling on in the name of Islamic socialism , Algeria is a place of austerity , one of the few countries on earth where you ca n't get Coca-Cola .
7 The seminar will take place at the Science Museum , where you can also see Mike 's exhibition Running on Air — the Nike Exhibition of Sports Shoe Technology .
8 stuff , erm , I 'll I 've got a disk that does interesting little joined up lines , and there 's one where you can just put numbers in yourself and it 'll draw all sorts of pictures for you
9 Where you can actually allocate part of your pension and to your spouse up to up to a third actually .
10 In a village near Amiens , I found a shop where you can still get tea , and enough cakes to make a schoolboy sick for a week .
11 Or you would n't ask Van Gogh to add more detail to a picture after looking at one of his works of art would you ? ’
12 ‘ And who said he was n't ? ’ she demanded , and , pulverising as well as crushing , added , ‘ Go and tidy your room or you wo n't watch television tonight . ’
13 But do n't go around being cross or you 'll only make enemies for yourself .
14 Not surprisingly , it has often been said that foreign learners of English need to learn English intonation ; some have gone further than this and claimed that , unless the foreign learner learns the appropriate way to use intonation in a given situation , there is a risk that he or she may unintentionally give offence ; for example , the learner might use an intonation suitable for expressing boredom or discontent when what was needed was an expression of gratitude or affection .
15 The procedure should copy any output files produced by these activities into a working area for the user , to which he or she will then have owner access after breaking out of the Captive environment .
16 However he or she can not disregard interests and factions within his or her own party , and will obviously give some attention to the competence of those appointed .
17 Each consumer and each producer is a price-taker and knows that he or she can not affect market prices .
18 If the lavatory is inaccessible , down a corridor , or dark and cold , the child may be reluctant to use it but if the parent accompanies the child and waits , he or she can gradually learn confidence .
19 i Hero : This child believes that he or she can only obtain love and appreciation through achievement .
20 Sorry , but this is one competition where we can not accept entries by post .
21 We will now have to concentrate on those areas where we can best create value for our shareholders . ’
22 There are two main methods of measuring costs : one can either include only public expenditure costs , or one can also include opportunity costs .
23 Yeah , but do n't rip the book , do n't rip the book or we ca n't show daddy
24 They are , Hemingway writes , ‘ doing coolie labor for a top wage of $45 a month and they have been put down on the Florida Keys where they ca n't make trouble .
25 ‘ They wo n't live where they ca n't get food and comfort .
26 He still feared polarisation and the creation of monochrome dioceses where clergy opposed to women priests would leave dioceses where they were ordained , and women ordinands and deacons would leave dioceses where they could not become priests .
27 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
28 There will be times during a good investigative session when they need to draw several quick diagrams perhaps , or they may suddenly see connections between things which they can not yet explain but need to indicate immediately .
29 Just as with a cash ratio , the authorities could impose a statutory liquidity ratio or they could merely allow banks to set their own prudent liquidity ratio .
30 And there 's nowhere he 'd rather be than back in his native Enniskillen — where he can unashamedly lead life at a crawling pace .
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