Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [been] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I go back to the police station I 'll write today that I 've been at Harlowbury School all day doing a school visit and a school talk to different classes .
2 I wished again that I had been at B.P. with Angela and Anne and Wendy and my other ‘ comrades ’ .
3 Mrs Clinton replied that she 'd been at college with him and they 'd had a very close relationship .
4 Frances has been fostering animals at Freshfield Animal Rescue Centre near her home even longer than she 's been at Ashworth .
5 Did he tell you that he 'd been at flat I mean years before or near the date of this or what ?
6 She added that he had later asked her to tell detectives that he had been at home all Saturday night .
7 Before that he had been at Lewis School , Pengam , when Neil Kinnock was house prefect .
8 Before that he had been at Lewis School , Pengam , when Neil Kinnock was house prefect .
9 But Dyson 's opinion of him , which had risen noticeably on hearing that he had been at King 's , had fallen back to zero again ; his having been at King 's was cancelled out by his having been right about his instructions to join Dyson 's department .
10 No I did visit Lawrence in prison after he was recaptured er and spoke to him about various things , including this er this incident and he did confirm that he had been at flat er for a couple of days er befo before the actual search .
11 Erm and at that ti but other than that , mind you I su I suppose that if , if I 'd been at home I should have probably been expected to be in , but I do n't think I should have been locked out .
12 If I 'd been at school I think I 'd have wanted to leave at Easter .
13 I really enjoyed having a tutor and I learned more than if I 'd been at school .
14 I probably would not have done as well if I had been at work .
15 The exam educates youngsters cheaply up to a level that is not reached in other countries until someone has been at university for a year .
16 But she had lived inside the Dark Realm for many months , she had been forced to see the terrible creatures that hold sway there , and she had been at Medoc 's mercy for all of that time .
17 The profession was too professional , a long study , and she had been at university , a giddy time .
18 If she 'd been at home and beset by devils like this , she would most likely have gone for a walk .
19 She stayed in Danzig five or six weeks , to her daughter-in-law 's horror and embarrassment , since she had her cryings and roarings ‘ as well as if she had been at home ’ .
20 If she had been at court the young dandies would have written odes and sonnets to her eyebrows , her finger nails and her sweet rose mouth .
21 ‘ So you would , if you 'd been at home , ’ Roman rapped , his quietness discarded for an anger that made Claudia shiver .
22 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
23 If we had been at home Rachel might have been spending the day with us instead . ’
24 If they had been at liberty to quit the vessel at Cronstadt , the case would have been quite different ; or if the captain had capriciously discharged the two men who were wanting , the others might not have been compellable to take the whole duty upon themselves , and their agreeing to do so might have been a sufficient consideration for the promise of an advance of wages .
25 But that still boils down to the fact that everybody thinks they know how schools work cos they 've been at school themselves .
26 They achieved this by combining two different methods : a longitudinal study , following the same children for four years from before they were able in read until they had been at school for two or three years ; and a training programme that looked at the effect of giving pre-school children specific training in categorising sounds .
27 She was his only daughter and the youngest of seven , and he had been at pains to give her a good education .
28 But , if the end-result of the changes has not been significantly to reduce spending , it remains to be determined what it actually has achieved and what has been at stake .
29 Well , I feel better than I was , but I 've been at Haywoods Heath which was a religious community
30 But it was because I 'd been at St. Martin 's that we got that first gig .
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