Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [Wh det] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was only after we had left , and were returning home that I realised what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in pain .
2 ‘ It was then that I realised what a lovely person he was , ’ says Avril .
3 Clearly it was I who should have spoken these words , but already I had a feeling that I knew what the brown paper and the ribbed cardboard concealed , and I was n't going to say a word until time or circumstance compelled me .
4 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
5 Once I know what the other operettas will be , I shall work with her every day .
6 But she looked back to her own childhood and wondered where she had got the idea that she knew what a normal family would be like .
7 When planting new trees in your garden , make sure that you know what the mature heights are likely to be .
8 I find this emphasis generally correct in that it describes what the anorexic girl believes to lie in store for her as a woman : a passive role , a position of helplessness , a loss of self .
9 But on the day he came to the TWW studio to be interviewed , he brought her with him and I thought what a shy , pleasant girl she was .
10 did n't know it was two parts , till I and I thought what a funny way to end , I mean are they dead
11 The article made a deep impression on me and I thought what a wonderful coastline it would be to explore .
12 And I thought what a smashing idea for a television programme !
13 And I said what a lovely little puppy , what 's her name , and it said Freda .
14 And I sha n't come back until I remember what the great Daybog said , " This news made the old man very sad , for he loved Yanek the best of his three grandsons .
15 He was captured , and you know what the French do .
16 The sun flames orange and pink behind the trees above the house , the breeze is cool rather than cold , scented with flowers and the sea , and you think what a pleasant if rather bland place this would be to settle down .
17 ‘ Does it still happen to you , John , that you look back at yourself as you were six months ago and you think what an ignorant , innocent goose you were !
18 David Walton , 40 , who received the aircraft today from Air Commodore David Hurrell , said : ‘ The likelihood of the aircraft taking to the sky again is fairly remote but it will be preserved in its current condition and who knows what the long term future holds .
19 If you think what the Imperial in Torquay is anyway .
20 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
21 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
22 But nobody knows what the long term risks of eating irradiated food will be .
23 She went very rapidly indeed but she knew what a long morning it would seem to her mother lying there alone unable to move .
24 But she knew what a constant and life-deforming worry the money had been .
25 And er oh she says to m She could n't did n't speak Welsh but she told what the old man told her in that shop there .
26 But wait till you see what the old man did to some of the interior . "
27 since you know what the grim reaper does when he or she calls upon you .
28 I thought London was a wonderful place but I was disappointed when I saw what a small , tumbledown house my brother and his wife lived in .
29 When you look at the way our railways are run , we can only be grateful that British Rail no longer owns hotels , particularly when you recall what a wonderful training ground the old British Transport Hotels used to be .
30 When you consider what a great ambassador for the sport Gary has been , for him to come out and say what he has , then obviously things could not have been right .
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