Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Double Or Nothing mimes out its own liminal qualities , exemplifying Federman 's general assertion that , since reading completes a text , ‘ writing can be considered as a PRE-TEXT …
2 I 'd rather fill this page with angry letters attacking people who are entertained/moved by fascism , racism , homophobia , whether it 's Morrissey ‘ exploring its fascination ’ or someone scooping out their own shit and trying to sell it to us as ‘ common sense ’ , than have another letter like yours , the first half ( not printed here , lucky readers ) of which is something incomprehensible about The Wedding Present — DQ
3 So they entered the cheerful portals of the Jade Cockatoo , the only cafe to be found in Chetwynd , and threaded their way through a maze of small tables to an alcove by the fire , where they took off their soaking mackintoshes and warmed their hands .
4 To the places that had n't quite worked out the way the designers had planned , the places where kids drift in a city , where they make up their own version of the city .
5 The coroner ignored it and crossed to the end of the room , where he took up his favourite position a-straddle the fireplace .
6 ‘ I could n't afford to replace it , ’ he said , ‘ so I put up my own , with bamboo .
7 Again you just looked at me , and I knew I had to do as you had done , so I stretched out my right hand and touched the bones , which were slightly sticky .
8 On and on he droned about how we should n't fear death but welcome the joys of heaven , so I picked up my two horse pistols and gave the sod both barrels .
9 When Lou got in the car , the bulky jacket that she wore over her washed denim skirt got in the way of her seat belt and her movements as she struggled to fasten the buckle were jerky and nervous .
10 For those who find Sue 's perfect BBC voice refined and soothing , it is a shock to learn that she ironed out her Black Country accent while studying modern languages at Bristol University .
11 It was in the mid-1960s that you set up your first gallery .
12 After training sessions , keep any literature or handouts together with the forms so that you build up your own references to guide you .
13 I think that the clever way that you worked out your own disappearance has managed to convince not only the police but Simon too .
14 There are also these artificial plastic toes that you fit over your artificial foot , so you can wear open-toed sandals .
15 I saw you write down crafty so you picked up his little circle , it could be used for referrals , there 's the R A R obviously is another one so they 're things that can be er picked up .
16 ‘ If you are going to be in senior job you are going to put a lot of time in so you give up your social life a bit perhaps .
17 As against the chaos , or alternatively the uncritical archaism , of such moral thought , he recommends that we tidy up our ethical language so that the words have a firm utilitarian sense .
18 In a clear allusion to North Korea , it was stated that " political dialogue with other countries in no way means that we give up our principled positions and priorities or forgo the interests of third parties " .
19 AT&T Co is happy to have the Baby Bells enter the long-distance market in the US on condition that they give up their local monopoly : AT&T also will lobby to eliminate remaining regulation of long-distance .
20 His palm was rotating over her breast , filling her with a delicious lassitude , the unfamiliar feeling overwhelming her in the way that it took over her whole body , his touch vibrating through every nerve and firing every pulse .
21 Is the ultimate unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence ?
22 At one meeting , Branson became so exasperated that he walked off his own boat and paced up and down the towpath outside to cool down .
23 A mother insists on her small son 's going to bed at a certain time , in spite of all his protests , because she knows he needs enough sleep to keep healthy and alert ; but in his view , she is insisting that he gives up his happy play , cutting him off from the rest of the family , for no good reason .
24 He stipulated that his kinsman John Herringman should have ‘ my Coppyes and partes of Coppys of Books as they stand entered in the Register Booke of the Company of Staconers … provided that he serves out his seaven years of Apprentishipp justly and truly ’ .
25 HAVING found a school for our three children and a house to rent , my wife and I took up our new life on .
26 I went for an audition to his flat , and I took along my little piece of paper and music score and everything .
27 He moved away , and I put on my strained smile again for the next patiently waiting customer .
28 And then they want someone else 's help or whatever else and er I can see that they 're concerned that you know they have a concern or want something from me then and I pass on I some action to take place you know for you know I 've on to somebody or someone said to him , I always give my name .
29 One year ago , my wife and I packed up our young son , double-locked the door and moved from New York to London .
30 She smiled the special smile which was so rare and which lit up her grey eyes .
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