Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And we find that mistakes and misunderstandings are a far more common cause of complaint than deliberate dishonesty or someone trying to cheat you or rip you off .
2 or he wants to plane it or
3 He says the fans are rather less impassioned than elsewhere in Italy , although I had to tell him that once , when Trevor Francis missed a penalty for Sampdoria , his car was bombarded and his son , Matthew , was struck by a stone .
4 And he looks a lot better for the change , although I have to tell you that by the time I had grilled him for an hour and tested him out on the snooker table I did notice that he reached for a cigarette .
5 So many people ply me with drinks in the D and F these days that I tend to remember them as I saw them , in a blur .
6 It 's not that I want to offend you or anything , I … ’
7 ‘ Last night I finally realised what was missing from my design so I went to get it but I got into some problem . ’
8 I am really sad that nobody wants to do it like I have done it for them .
9 It was not with any encouragement from himself that she began to address him as Vic , but he was obliged to concede the point .
10 Reason had grown wings and flown out of the window , but she knew that she had to recapture it or else give in to him , and live to regret her weakness .
11 She was not so far gone in the sinful practice of dissimulation that she felt free to claim that she meant to ask them because she knew Betty would be pleased , and she could think of no other remotely credible reason for doing so .
12 So the application is concerned with maintaining the accounting data and maintaining the integrity of that data but you have absolute flexibility in the tools that you use to access it and manipulate it and present it in your organization .
13 ‘ A pity that you had to lose her and earn your own living . ’
14 I hope that you continue to enjoy it and that you will send me your comments , your thoughts and your news .
15 What infuriated her was that they charged three shillings for afternoon tea , so she decided to forgo it because she knew the men would still be out on the links . ’
16 ‘ You reckon an old building will jar with your luxury villas , so you want to buy it and demolish it ? ’ she asked , her voice frigid .
17 The right hon. Gentleman knows perfectly well that the commitment on income tax is a longer-term one and that we hope to achieve it as and when conditions permit and when it is prudent to do so .
18 We continue with the struggle and forget the mad whites here and that we have to help them and that 's what our people have to do .
19 I subsequently wrote to you thanking you for this most generous offer and explaining that we wanted to use them as prizes in a raffle but were unable to proceed at that time .
20 The narcissistic and windy urbanity of Freedburg and Kosuth means that they fail to convince us that there is something rotten in the United States .
21 Her little hand trembled in his much larger one , but Guy was too stunned to notice that she did n't pull away , although he continued to hold her as though she were as fragile as glass .
22 The time that it takes to embalm her and send her to the Fields of Aarru . ’
23 Thinking that he wanted to watch it because he thought it was funny , Bob made a few humorous remarks at the expense of the characters on the screen .
24 But now Ellen the time I have long awaited has come and I write to tell you that an Italian maidservant by name of Gigia who is travelling home to Florence having been in Scotland with a family who are friends of the Brownings is to come to you to collect Oreste and take him to Liverpool where she will be joined by Mr Ogilvy and from whence they will sail for Italy .
25 I turned the switch and I regret to inform you that out of the loudspeaker came a lot of old Irishmen singing maudlin songs .
26 Oh yes , oh yes yes erm and I 'm on about er on about , for one thing , but you 'd be surprised er it 's the biggest and most elaborate trade of any in the world , locks and keys , I say that very firmly because er there 's no limit , there 's no extent and you , there might be required anything and as I say er I er I had these locks for the asylums and that , you know and er I thought I mentioned it before , I made fifty fifty locks all different and I had to number them and keep a record of them and er I had a , you had the keys on a wire , numbered one up to fifty and they was for big , big asylums , you know what I mean and er they could go in one ward , I 'm on about places where they 'd have twenty or thirty people , you know and er there 's only one bloke could get in there .
27 And I had to clean them and I had to get a bucket of water and sluice it down with a hard broom and .
28 True , everyone had hidden their supplies — buried them in the tobacco patch or the bottom of the grain chest — and I had to convince them that I was n't a forester .
29 No , no I , I do n't know how but there was two cars that was , that was er behind me and I managed to avoid them but I do n't know how .
30 It 's me throat at the back er keep and I try to clear it and I ca n't .
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