Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , ’ says Howard , jumping up , and beginning to walk up and down , ‘ it 's the story of this society , where everyone begins to get more and more aware of its real nature , and … ’
2 ‘ No , shit , you just get to a point in your life where you want to make sure that everything is going to be OK .
3 It was perhaps because of this , and because I tried to foster the whole idea of positive thinking , that I began to concentrate more and more on visualization .
4 The amounts of exercise I did meant that I had to eat more than my father !
5 He was appalled that I wanted to study English and history , both of which he thought not only pointless but a danger to my identity .
6 I 've always got on well with adults , but it 's only now that I 'm starting to get on with my own generation , and I realise that I have to do that if I 'm to become a whole person .
7 I would n't want to prompt their disapproval and anger , so I try to eat less and my trips to the biscuit tin become fewer , or more sneaky .
8 ‘ I also have to accept that maybe I 'm not that versatile , so I have to make sure that I 'm in the right situation to show myself off to my best advantage .
9 I did n't want to hurt their feelings , having been brought up to be polite , so I tried to look happy and muttered something about Helen playing the piano very well .
10 ‘ The main conflict they always had was that she wanted to work more and he would not allow her , ’ according to Jane .
11 You 're not so th relaxed that you want to do this but you 're relaxed and yet you 're happy with life as well .
12 One is that you want to make sure that erm you do everything right .
13 This will mean that you need to read two or three analyses , and to consider how your main personality type is tempered by other important traits .
14 That 's right trying to find work these days can be demanding and extremely frustrating so you want to make sure that you give yourself the best chance of getting a job and one way to help is to do a good application form and know how to handle yourself in an interview .
15 It used to be the case that one had to find a property that one wanted to buy first and then apply for a mortgage , but some organisations will now provide a mortgage guarantee document , that is to say an assurance of the amount of money they will lend you , before you start looking for a property .
16 The highest of these peaks , Wagagai ( 14,177ft/4321m ) , is in Ugandan territory and officially out of bounds , but our map showed the international boundary passing through the summit of the second highest peak ( just 20 metres lower than Wagagai ) , called Lower Elgon , so we decided to stay legal and aim for that instead .
17 It depends , if you need them they 're involvement then you may have to do it a slightly different way or maybe it 's the case that they have to accept this or that you 're gon na turn them over too .
18 Individuals feel that they need to save less than before , as they have property or shares to ‘ fall back on ’ , and as a consequence they raise consumption .
19 They are directed primarily at feminists , and so they tend to treat conscious and unconscious subjectivities as discursive artefacts , granting them no autonomous analysis .
20 He says that it seemed to take more than half an hour .
21 But in later years , as he was promoted to more senior posts , he found that he had to travel more and more to oversee fund-raising projects .
22 Nobody had said what Marcus should do : the result was that he appeared to do little or nothing , spoke minimally and was increasingly reluctant to leave his bedroom or the house .
23 The old man 's nervous intensity , that jerking from one place to another , one subject to another , his jaunty walk , the gnomic answers and mystifications , the weird flinging-up of his arms when I left — all his mannerisms suggested , were calculated to suggest , that he wanted to seem younger and more vital than he was .
24 He explained that he wanted to stay silent until the special trade union review group had reported on the options available .
25 He does n't mean that he wants to become mature or to quell the beast within or anything else comfortable to the understanding .
26 ‘ I 've been trying to get it into his thinking that he has to do more running , that he has to fight more and that there are defensive duties he has to do . ’
27 Quiss was the more easily riled , so he tended to suffer more than his fair share of the bird 's abuse .
28 My master came back , slightly bemused , lost in his own thoughts and I had to repeat two or three times what Mathilda had told me .
29 Dealing with customers also taught me that not every situation is the same and I had to think fast and wise when faced with a problem .
30 I declined a chocolate ; they were too large to take in in one bite and I feared to take two and risk cream and liqueur trickling down my chin .
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