Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Make a list of any activities which make you buzz with energy , which absorb you so much that time dissolves , or which give you a sense of inner peace and satisfaction .
2 At the Red Cross warehouse , we were met by Stoyaeka who drove us to her house where she gave us a meal of soup , bread , stew and dumplings , all washed down with a very palatable local red wine .
3 Matt put in , ‘ Departing guests pay their accounts at the office , where she gives them a receipt , and Ling takes his list of commodities to her — things to be ordered for the kitchen , you understand . ’
4 It was at , it was at the place where the football where you got us a grant playing with those little scum .
5 the only attraction of that is would be if you could both be able to tell me that if I erm , wrote them a letter , or you wrote them a letter on my behalf erm and they say of yes they are going to deal with this erm next Friday or something
6 Ever since then , whenever I left a job or anyone gave me a present , I was given more of the same .
7 Did n't we get a bit from the FA or whatever to make it a ground for the European Championships ?
8 While farmers themselves recognise that no-one owes them a living , there 's still an inherent desire to be on the receiving end of some support .
9 While farmers themselves recognise that no-one owes them a living , there 's still an inherent desire to be on the receiving end of some support .
10 Er Sadly , although I sent you a letter with suggestions for discussion I forgot to keep a copy of it for myself .
11 I 'm unashamed to report that I enjoyed it a lot , and I 'm sure I would have loved it as a child .
12 I shall make sure that I send him a copy of my speech tomorrow , which will give detail after detail of what is actually taking place in the valleys .
13 It was suggested at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council that I send you a copy of the objections made by the Parish Council to the siting of a communication mast on land off Higher Lane , Scorton .
14 Hanging around with the photographer sparked Tony 's interest in the medium , ‘ It was a combination of things ; one was the bull , the adventure , the romance , and I really found that I liked it a lot .
15 Having read what the Queen 's Speech says on matters of foreign policy , I must say that I found it a bit of a mish-mash .
16 Once I had said that I found it a lot easier to speak to her .
17 But Jim insisted , insisted that I bought him a pint and asked me to caddie for him the following week at St Anne 's .
18 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
19 You had a death in the family which I could understand , so I lent you a book , which you have n't returned .
20 He wanted work and to pay for the damage so I offered him a job . ’
21 I asked her where she lived and she said Tower Hamlets , so I offered her a lift in the van .
22 After he left it occurred to me that Harrington and Lewis might also find my effort useful , so I took them a copy .
23 So I gave him a clip across the back and told him ‘ No ! ’
24 He kept stealing Nigel 's food , so I gave him a bowl of his own every day . ’
25 ‘ Well he needed a refill so I gave him a hand to push his hand cart into Berkeley last night .
26 Brian needed to shit so I gave him a plastic bag and then left it in the bathroom .
27 The militant , comprising four fields ( Kent , Scotland , South Wales and Yorkshire ) which consistently gave the strongest support to the strike call , although none gave it a majority at every ballot .
28 You were right , Bodo , saying to leave the matter alone — although you gave me a turn when you were so … so abrupt with the Sergeant . ’
29 ‘ She had a very detailed knowledge of Enya 's music , and it was obvious that she plays it a lot . ’
30 Who could the woman be , who admired him so much that she sent him a valentine ?
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