Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 and that was my Barclaycard number in case you want it although I ordered it through the thr phone I made out that so that I could read it off on the telephone I did n't even erm I did n't even assemble it I just looked and I saw it does n't chop I thought it would chop things but does n't , it only grates Looks as though it had been out before , you know , you look at this !
2 Well that 's fine then erm and what what what happens is that you do it through a bank but there are banks which I think Barclays and the Cooperative Bank and maybe one or two others do it .
3 Hari gestured that he follow her through the door into the small back yard and from there into the small workshop .
4 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
5 The weather was damp and chilly but the sleeping bag felt mighty good and I made it through the first night , sleeping like a log .
6 I did not think of following him , my feet seemed rooted to the sandy path and I saw him through a mist of tears as he appeared to melt through the door , which closed behind him .
7 I think you would be interested if I take you through the Severn Tunnel .
8 ‘ — well , they surely are now — and you hugged him tighter and tighter , and you dragged him through the divorce courts — ’
9 Well we think you do it through negotiation with developers on an agreed location , and you do it through a brief .
10 Well and she put him through the hoop , nurses him .
11 I suppose you could if you put them through a junction box or something .
12 So I think if you take it through the life process that 's how I see feminism .
13 If you do it through the system
14 The ‘ theatre ’ ran parallel to the ward and we reached it through a short , glass-enclosed passageway .
15 I I I think if we produce twe say twenty odd and we circulated them through the sections .
16 He did n't understand but he heard the word ‘ spider ’ and laughed , and she laughed too , until she saw how the light slid over his cheekbones and dropped luminous on his hair like Ember 's , then she was crying into the warmth of his shoulder and he took her through a linden-scented night to a place where her tangled feelings speared through tawdry lust into oblivion where she was n't alone .
17 I says , ‘ It 's a 7-iron , ’ thinking , ‘ This is where we came in ! ’ , and he hits it through the back of the green .
18 " I 'm sorry , can I … " she motioned towards the door , and he helped her through the packed people , using his elbow to get them out of the way .
19 And he did it through a method that was little less than divinely inspired .
20 The Virgin bent her head to the dove in pictures of the Annunciation , and it pierced her through the ear , bringing her the Word that was life itself , down into her womb ; that was what Rosa wanted , Tommaso 's mouth next to her ear , until she , like the woman with her lover in the doorway , would wriggle and gasp .
21 Whereas if he raised it through a levy on Copts that would be wildly popular with everyone else .
22 But I did it through the love , fo , that I had for the couple , and that because they had waited sixteen year before they eventually found out they could n't have children !
23 Her husband might want justice , but he wanted it through the proper channels .
24 I 'm aching to run , but make myself sit for a second while she watches me through the black circles .
25 But he still had to print out yet another copy of the Capellan regulations about acceptable levels of degradation on axis lock crystals before he let her through the gate .
26 As I followed him through the doorway the porter whispered , " Get your braces undone , sir , do n't keep him waiting . "
27 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
28 I hope that as you use it through the year , it will serve to remind you of the life-saving work you are helping to make possible for children throughout the world .
29 As you follow him through the first forest , ’ he said , ‘ Remember this , if you can … keep asking yourself the question : why did he fail to return .
30 She quickened her pace , almost bringing about the catastrophe she feared , as she hurried him through a doorless opening into the outhouse beyond .
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